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We've had a HUGE loss...and we're new also.

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Hi guys!


My husband and I had a Timneh named oprah for 13 years...she died suddenly this past weekend after being sick for only a day! We noticed on Saturday morning that she wasn't eating much or even vocalizing..but decided to watch and wait because it is egg laying season for her and we had been through this a few times already...where she acted like this and then ultimately laid an egg. By the end of the day we realized our error when we found her very weak and with open mouth breathing...we rushed her to the vet but she died shortly after we arrived!! The vet offered a necropsy but I declined (I was in shock, really).. Now I SO wish we would have agreed! At least we then would have known if it was something we did, or failed to do...or if it was inevitable. But we now feel that we definitely want another bird in our lives and are thinking of a Congo this time. But we are unsure how to find a reputable breeder. Oprah was so much a part of our lives...she knew the names of all of our 4 dogs...and yelled at them frequently! When we reached for the Kleenex box she honked for us. She did the pantry door sound when we even thought about opening it...we miss her SOOOO much!

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It seems no matter where we are in life or how long our parrot companion is with us, nothing compares nor prepares us for the profound loss and grief. My sincere condolences to you as you make sense of it and find a way to fill the void from your beloved Oprah.

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I am so sorry for your loss. Are you near Saranac Lake? Having been born and raised in Rochester, I understand completely when you say most people think a mile north of NYC is 'upstate'. LOL I should tell you I don't know of any breeders in NY, but do know about Saranac Lake. Sorry,

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Oh Loco, my heart just breaks for you at the sad news of your beloved Oprah's death. What a terrible shock for you all, and there is not a person here who cannot put her/himself in your shoes and either recall their own pain at the loss of a beloved companion, or imagine how their own hearts would break in the same situation.


Oprah sounds like she was so loved and quite the little character! My girl is also a TAG, and she has me completely wrapped around her little talons. I don't ever want to imagine waking up without her helping me greet the day. It must be so very hard for you right now.


Wish I could help you on the CAG front, but I'm at 7300 ft in the Rockies these days, although spent part of my youth living in the lower east side of Manhattan and in Brooklyn. I get it that upstate is not just Ithaca, Albany, and Troy. I can see why you're Loco -- it's coooooooooooooold up where you are!

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Welcome! I'm so sorry to hear about your precious Opera. These birds really know how to nestle themselves into our hearts, don't they?


If you're not opposed to having your bird shipped, I'd like to recommend the breeder from whom we got Maalik, turning 1 on the 27th of this month! He's the senior bird keeper for the San Diego Zoo, and he really knows his stuff. Plus his CAGS are the bomb! He also breeds gorgeous Macaws. It's called Rainforest Aviaries, and the breeder's name is Paul.


Good luck with your research!

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Thanks for the replay, and have a question. Is it a problem having a bird at a high altitude? Believe it or not we actually bought land in Colorado and will be moving there when we retire...to be near our kids.

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Hi Greytness...have been in touch with Paul and have actually picked out a little Congo female...thank you SOOO much for the referral! He seems very genuine and knowledgeable... He spoke with me at length on the phone and sent videos via e mail!

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I've learned so much from everyone on this site...a HUGE thank you. Rethinking wing clipping, feeding...pretty much everything. A member directed me to an awesome breeder and I have a new youngster coming! Thanks to everyone for your help!

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Hi Greytness...have been in touch with Paul and have actually picked out a little Congo female...thank you SOOO much for the referral! He seems very genuine and knowledgeable... He spoke with me at length on the phone and sent videos via e mail!


That's WONDERFUL news! His CAGS are gorgeous! I had a very difficult time choosing which one that I'd wanted. LOL!

Please tell Paul 'hello' from Sandy, parront of Maalik whom I got from him last fall.

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I've learned so much from everyone on this site...a HUGE thank you. Rethinking wing clipping, feeding...pretty much everything.


Paul, your new baby's breeder, does not advocate wing clipping. Paul is actually a free flight trainer for his Macaws and CAGS.


I love having Maalik whooshing over to me whenever he wants.

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