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Outside of the home Working Parronts


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I thought it would be interesting to hear what types of things you leave for your parrots to keep them company while you are at work.

Other than the usual toys and snacks in their cages.....


I have Nick Jr. on the tv 3 days a week. On day I leave on the Parrot Sitter DVD, and the other day is the computer with a playlist I made special for Nilah with a lot of singing as she LOVES to sing!

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We don't have a TV but we recently put a computer in the birds' 'bedroom' (the room where their cages are). We have quarantine at the other end of the house in what was the 'den' but now serves as my office/dining room/living room (a recliner chair in the corner that may go upstairs to husband's office/man cave). We have files on both computers that we play for the birds. I made a multi-track mp3 of bird sounds that sounds like being in the middle of a forest except the birds are from all over the world. The birds love it. I also play YouTube videos of wild parrots for them. And of course, when we are having birdie fun time, we watch MARNIE the ringneck parrot which really gets the whole flock wound up! If I leave the house I usually put something on, depending on the time of day. At night it is soft mellow music turned down pretty low. I will be working evenings, so that will make it easier on them as they will be asleep most of the time I am gone and it's only for a few hours per night.

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It was hard to find a tv channel they all liked, until someone told me to try the game show network. All the noises from the different games and the high level of excitement keeps all my guys and gals entertained! We also hide things (toys and an almond ) for them to hunt down and tear up.

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Many birds enjoy cartoons-bright colors, motion, sounds and music it hold their attention too. We keep the bird feeders in the backyard full and have a small water fountain out there as well. They watch the wild birds the dogs and cats inside and ofter "talk" back and forth with each other. Music they share hubbys Country choices , my Folk and Rock, sons Heavy Metal and some classical I think they like Metallica and Lullaby's.

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Never had to worry about this because my wife was a full time domestic engineer and my fids were never alone.

They talk back and forth all daylong so its never quiet in our home. When we travel they go with us.

If we go shopping we may leave a radio on, but not always. If we are coming home late we let them entertain them self so they can go to sleep when it`s dark.

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I don't leave anything on for my 8 fids, either. They spend most of their time chatting it up with each other. Maalik, my CAG, Bogart, my Jardine's, and Ziggy, my Ekki, all have window views, so there's lots for them to look at throughout the course of the day. And then there are our 4 German Shepherds who love to engage in bark fests. There's never a dull moment around here. LOL!


I work weekends and am home during the week. On weekends my hubbie and 2 of my kids are here, so essentially there's someone here most of the time. When my hubbie's home he has his music going all the time.

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During the summer, my guys have each other and Sean! Sean, is their toy. During the fall and winter, I hire a babysitter to come in and play when I am at work for extended hours. I just hired a sitter today. A young girl who is a friend of Seans. Sophie LOVED her the moment she met her. I know what Sophie wants, and whom she likes. Tested this girl twice, without her knowing. Same result. Sophie LIKES! Sean's friend is interested. She also is in the process of adopting a rescue sunconure. Sophie is a smart girl, and knows!!!!!! Nancy

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Yes, they're all flighted, although Ziggy, my Ekki came to me clipped at the age of 10, and had never learned how to fly. However, with that being said, he's a master at hopping off his cage, strutting over to a nearby cage and harassing the heck out of that bird. He's not a fan of his birdie neighbors.


I take my birds out in groups. The smallest: 2 duskies, and pineapple GCC come out together. My CAG, Pan Am and Ekki also come out together. My Jardine's comes out separately, simply because he's a baby and I'm not quite certain yet how he'd fare mingling with the others. My caique also comes out separately due to his unpredictability.

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My caique also comes out separately due to his unpredictability.



What say you. Your caique is unpredictable? Mine is 10ft tall and bullet proof. hahaahaaa. My Toby has to stay locked up in the bird room while the other two are out roaming free. He escaped through a side door my wife left unlatched and I caught him on the birdy-cam mugging Rio in Rio's sleep cage. He had him cornered and Toby was doing his stand tall, side-to-side bully routine.


Caiques are nutters and like no other bird.

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