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The Smell of Greys


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I am just wondering....does anyone else just absolutely LOVE the smell of their African Grey? Ohhh my gosh....when I get my nose close to Isaac, I simply love the way he smells. It is kind of a musky smell...I am sure you know it. I can't get enough of it really. Love it!

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I do love the way all my birds smell. Each breed has it's own distinctive smell. I always pick GreycieMea up with two hands and stuff her in my face and get a big sniff. It's now evolved into getting a big sniff then making a vibrating noise, like an elephant, on the exhale - and Greycie loves that. She does the 'elephant' now when I do it on her back.

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I love the way my CAG, Maalik smells, too. However, my favorite smell is that of my Panama Amazon, Harley. It's a musky smell that comes from his exhaled breath. Sometimes it's stronger than at other times, but it's very pleasant to me for some odd reason.


If I could make a fragrance from it, I'd call it: 'Odeur-de-Amazon'

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I love the way my CAG, Maalik smells, too. However, my favorite smell is that of my Panama Amazon, Harley. It's a musky smell that comes from his exhaled breath. Sometimes it's stronger than at other times, but it's very pleasant to me for some odd reason.


If I could make a fragrance from it, I'd call it: 'Odeur-de-Amazon'




Hahhahahahha...I have smelled Isaacs breath too. Too funny. We must have all been birds in a previous existence. It is a blissful activity smelling parrots.

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I do love the way all my birds smell. Each breed has it's own distinctive smell. I always pick GreycieMea up with two hands and stuff her in my face and get a big sniff. It's now evolved into getting a big sniff then making a vibrating noise, like an elephant, on the exhale - and Greycie loves that. She does the 'elephant' now when I do it on her back.


How cute! Isaac did something similar when I would kiss him on the side of the wing. I would say "Whoooo" kind of like and owl. Then he started doing that after I did it.

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If you've ever gone into a shop that sells fabrics for making curtains, that's what my ringneck smells like! She literally smells like a new curtain! Like the material and fabric they use to make curtains and linens etc.

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Yes, I love the scent of parrot! To me it smells like cotton sheets fresh from the outside clothesline. I wouldn't fare well to get close enough to bury my face in Gilbert's feathers but can get a warm wafting scent when she lets me scratch her head through the bars of her cage. Java lets me kiss her neck and I say "Oooh birdy, that smells nice". When she sees me coming to pick her up for good night cuddles, she says "Ooh" in the cutest little voice and makes a puffing, blowing sound. It must be the way my sniffing sounds to her.

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My Too's remind me of an unscented baby powder, the Greys are each a little different smelling, the Amazons I have sniffed remind me of Froot Loops.


Hahahahahha Fruit Loops....I think I have smelled this from the Amazons at the bird store. Very close parallel.

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Yes, I love the scent of parrot! To me it smells like cotton sheets fresh from the outside clothesline. I wouldn't fare well to get close enough to bury my face in Gilbert's feathers but can get a warm wafting scent when she lets me scratch her head through the bars of her cage. Java lets me kiss her neck and I say "Oooh birdy, that smells nice". When she sees me coming to pick her up for good night cuddles, she says "Ooh" in the cutest little voice and makes a puffing, blowing sound. It must be the way my sniffing sounds to her.


LOL....that is hilarious. I love it when they do expressive sounds you make.

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Love the scent of HRH, also! Every morning when she comes out of her cage, I snuggle her to my chest and bury my face into her neck feathers while she makes smooching sounds. To me she smells like hot sunshine on a shirt ... or like when you're ironing one. My 'zon used to smell like tacos, in a good way. It makes me smile just thinking of his little Dorito breath. He would sell his soul for a bite of taco flavored Doritos (dont be judgy, I was young, living in the middle of nowhere, and hey it was the '70s!) and afterward, he'd have a little taco breath for awhile. :D

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My husband and I both adore that smell. I don't get to enjoy it so much now that Mar is gone. I could get a face full with him as he'd cuddle under my shirt or under my chin. I could kiss him anywhere. He'd even lift his wings and let me kiss his "soft spots" (as my husband would say, armpits). Megan would eat my face off if I tried that. Although she is letting me give her scritches now without biting.


Has anyone else noticed bird smells seem stronger after the birds have been outside in the sunshine?

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Oh man, finally a new subject to talk about:confused:! People checking out what their parrots smell like! What is this world coming to? I'm trying to picture people going around and sniffing their birds. This is gotta be a first. For the many, many years that this board has existed, This thread makes my day. . I thought I heard it all. Fruit Loops, Baby powder, fresh cotton sheets, on a clothes line, "If I could make a fragrance from it, I'd call it: 'Odeur-de-Amazon'", curtains, linens, hot sunshine on a shirt, tacos. So strange:rolleyes: Oh well, whatever floats your boat.

Edited by Dave007
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Perhaps you have been missing a little something in your Parrot relationships? Not every one is olfactorily gifted some are more conscious of smells than others. I did know someone who thought that eau de skunk is lovely, it takes all kinds. Love your post Dave!

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Oh man, finally a new subject to talk about:confused:! People checking out what their parrots smell like! What is this world coming to? I'm trying to picture people going around and sniffing their birds. This is gotta be a first. For the many, many years that this board has existed, This thread makes my day. . I thought I heard it all. Fruit Loops, Baby powder, fresh cotton sheets, on a clothes line, "If I could make a fragrance from it, I'd call it: 'Odeur-de-Amazon'", curtains, linens, hot sunshine on a shirt, tacos. So strange:rolleyes: Oh well, whatever floats your boat.


Hahahhahha...yep. I am amazed to find out I am not the only one who really gets something out of it. Fruit Loops was my favorite.....ha! Bird breath is a whole other level......just funny.







Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

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Have you sniffed your birdy today?


I sniffed all three of them :)


Oh every morning of course. It's a routine. I peek in under the cage cover....say "Good morning boy" quietly. Then uncover him. I take him out and hold him up saying, "Hiiiiiii boooyyeeee". Then I bring his face close to mine for a beak to nose touch, followed by a little smooch on his back which is the perfect opportunity for a little sniff. Ahhh....I'm awake now.

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