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Well, the time is getting closer for my baby to come home and I am coming up with more and more questions in my head. Hopefully some of you can help me out.

The first question is should I put her cage in a place that is quiet or where there is more activity? I'm talking about in the beginning, eventually everyone will be in the living room. I live by myself so its not like there would be a circus going on or anything. Currently I have my other two birds in the front bedroom because I spend a bit of time in there with the computer but I'm going to put them back in the living room area because I keep them up late sometimes by being on the computer.

Second question is when should I start taking her around with me. I want her to be as social as she is capable of being and would like to take her to places with me. I don't want to do it so soon that it scares her but I don't want to wait until she's set in her ways either.

Which leads me to another question. When I do start taking her with me, should it be with just a harness on or in a carrier as well? I'm thinking that if she's in a carrier she would feel more secure but maybe not, I don't know. I don't take my other birds out with me because I haven't put a harness on them. So, I haven't had these concerns yet.

Another question, Do you think that it is good practice to still spoon feed her warm food even though she would be already weaned? My cockatoo really likes this at night before going to sleep but someone had warned me against this practice for a newly weaned baby. Personally I don't see the harm but have not had the experience with a baby before.

I think that is it with the questions for now. At least until another 50 or so come up. Thanks

Edited by 2birds
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You must be so excited! I don't know anything about newly weaned babies, but I do know my 7 year old TAG still loves to be fed something warm off a spoon, like your cockatoo. My initial reaction is that if they enjoy it what can it hurt as long as your baby is eating a variety of things during the day? Maybe someone with baby experience will have a different view though.

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Such an exciting time!! My TAG got a handfeeding at night until he was over 4 months old, so I say YES! give that baby a warm night feeding - as long as she is eating the good stuff during the day. Start the harness training as soon as the baby is secure in being handled and play with. Before the harness if you want to take her out use the small cage. Just because she doesn't fly please don't take her out without the cage or harness. As for the cage, I think I would go with what you think she is most comfortable with. You will be able to tell if she is stressing. Best wishes and please keep us posted as the day finally comes.

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Oh no, she will not be going out with nothing on because she will know how to fly. The great thing is that the lady who is the breeder is getting them used to the harness now. I'm thinking that she will probably stress a little about going out and about at first because it's all new but I don't want to over do it either.

My goffins cockatoo loves a spoonful of warm oatmeal with apple at night. I read that oats help keep their feathers glossy.

I guess what I want is to baby her enough where she feels secure but not so much that she turns neurotic.

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I have another question. I've been reading that a lot of times when you get a baby, they have a tendency to end up liking someone else once they mature. Being as I will be the only caretaker for this bird, what can I do to get through this stage and come out with us both being ok with each other. Of course other people will be in her life but she will be with me the majority of the time. I would really like to hear about other peoples experiences on how they got through this stage.

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  • 3 weeks later...

2birds You are in a difficult situation! You live alone, so odds are against you, bird bonding with others. UNLESS... you spend an enormous amount of time changing the social situation! Two things that were especially important to me when I got Sophie. Learning " step up and step down." Next... being introduced to my kids and learning to trust them." Identify those in your life that are willing to " commit", to being part of your birds life. It is a MAJOR committment, and routine is very important. Its a daily involvement! Sophie now after more than a decade, is VERY socialized, and we are all reaping the rewards.( It was alot of work!) Nancy

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Wow, I bet you are beside yourself. I got Peanut when he was about 3 months, still on 2 feedings a day. He is still very attached to me at age 8. Now I know this is just the beginning of his maturing years, so the story is still being written. When we brought him home he was in love with my granddaughter and would do anything to be with her - she was 7 at the time. But, since she doesn't live with me his affection did change to me. All I can do is tell you my story. This doesn't by any stretch of the imagination mean that yours will be the same. Greys are all just so different. LOL

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Nancy, what I meant by it not being a circus is I don't have crazy activity going on around here, like with kids or teens and their friends in and out all day. I am by no means a hermit though. People stop by frequently to visit and have coffee and such and my nieces are by all of the time. My birds do see different people quite often. I think my question was geared towards taking her on outings with me and meeting strangers and how to go about that without scaring her. I think I will just go with the flow and see how she does going out. She will probably be fine.

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