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Talon & Rikki's Reaction to My Daughters Visit Home


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Late last night I picked my daughter up at the airport. By the time we got home it was 1 in the morning and the birds were asleep. This am, I got them up and they were waiting in the kitchen for breakfast. Talon was hiding in her house on top of the cupboard not paying attention to when my daughter walked into the kitchen. all of a sudden she realized....she turned her head sideways and stared for the longest time at my daughter, you could see she didn't believe what she was seeing......it was such a look of disbelief. My daughter asked her to step up and she did and wouldn't leave her hand. Then Rikki realized she was home and kept shaking with her wings out anxiously waiting her turn....it was adorable! They missed her so much and were so happy to see her. They were very clear with their happiness, no is mistaking how excited they are to have her home!


Nilah on the other hand had to say in her cage as Nilah boyfriend was over (my daughters friend) , she is quite obsessive with him and attacks my daughter when she was one and he was around....I hope he goes home soon so Nilah can stay out of her cage....

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LOVED the family reunion! They never forget... no matter how long! Boyfriend needs to go for just a couple of hours, so you can have the family reunion you desire and deserve!

Sean commented today, how Sophie is out of cage room the moment he walks in. She is LOVING him to death!! He also said, that if Ryan was home, she would blow him off, and only have eyes for Ryan. HMMMM... that maybe true, but Ryan isn't here right now. I'm getting blown off ( I am okay with that),Sean is the highlight right now. Nancy

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Talon... you DONT have to keep your bird in the cage... just tell boyfriend to go home! When your daughter freaks out... just let her know you are making the best decisioin for your bird.My kids always freaked out with many of my decisions and were angry. I left them to think about alternate decisions, and they supported best decision for Sophie. THATS maturity. Nancy

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