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Did someone flick a switch?


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Now that Maalik is officially one year old, he is suddenly talking in complete sentences. Up until now he's been practicing sounds and saying some words. But this week he's begun stringing together words in sentences that are being said in context! A light bulb has been switched on!

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That is an awesome switch to be activated. Malik has probably been practicing during his quiet time alone. He is comfortable with his home and ready to join his human flock in your language now. What an exciting time for you.

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That reminds me of when Megan learned to say "Step up" - I would try to get her to step up and she would refuse. I would say "Step up" in a normal voice. Then in a firmer tone. Then in the "mommy voice" appended by "right now" - they all know when I say "right now" it is no longer a request. (Most of the time, I don't make them step up if they don't want to but there are times when a step up is needed). Megan would perfectly imitate tone of voice and inflection - all in one go. "Step up, step up. Step up RIGHT NOW!" She even had the little growl in the mommy voice down pat. It's funny, she will substitute proper names in the command. But though she knows many nouns, she's never said "step up, apple" or "step up, chair." It's always a creature (sometimes Riley, lol - I want to see that one!). And "C'mere" also. I am in awe that she applies these only to proper names and knows when using them is appropriate. I am so amazed at how smart these birds can be!

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It was very similar with my CAG Gracie. She said a few words here and there by 10 months, but that "switch" you referred to went on at 14 months and it has been non-stop ever since. I look forward to hearing more of you grey's linguistic progress. It is a lot of fun!

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