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What was your bird's first word?


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Luna finally said his first word this weekend. Unfortunately the word is burro which means dummy in spanish. My dad has been calling him that for months because he wouldnt talk and looks like that is what he learned. It is so funny he keep saying it over and over again. What was your grey's first word?

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Megan's first sort of word was "Ow" (as in the sound daddy made when she chomped down on his ear - "OW OW OW!" But right after that she said "What're you doin'?" Which is something the breeder said to them when he'd pick them up to feed them. She was around three months old.

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One of Inara's first new words after coming to live with us just past age 2 was "coffee." She still says it when I turn on the espresso machine in the mornings, and she says it at about 2:30 - 3:00 in the afternoon, as that is the time I usually fix myself an afternoon cup.


PS: I think "Rom" is adorable also!!!

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They are all so adorable with their first words! In all honesty... I LOVED being called ROM. Kids knew it and knew I wouldn't correct her... HENCE... ROM to this day. I explained to kids that Sophie has trouble with her M's. ( sure she does!), kids thought. LOL! When I was at work they would call me when she was naughty and say " Do you want to know what your daughter did today ROM?" I knew that it was going to be bad!!!! LOL! Nancy

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