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Gabby's First Day Out on Aviator Harness a Success (I think)


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After introducing the harness to Gabby a few times during the last couple weeks, I decided today would be the day. I'd practiced placing it over her head a few times with no trouble but the one time I placed it on her, a week ago, she accidentally got her leg inside and lost her balance. That was a "no go". She was not happy.


Anyways, today we tried again with no accidents. She was a little uneasy because it felt strange and given the chance, she would chew on it. It was messing with her feathers (and you know how girls are with their hair.). I kept her entertained walking around the yard. I could tell she was loving it even if she was a little nervous. She stayed on my shoulder a bit cause she feels secure there. She'd come down onto my arm some and would hide her head in the crease of my arm. Before long she'd be peeking out and then came onto my hand and just took it all in.


We stayed out for about 15 minutes and I could tell she was wanting it off because she kept chewing on it. I don't think I had it quite tight enough around the middle. Once inside I took it off and she was very calm about me removing it. Didn't even try to bite as she did the first time. I consider that a successful first venture and hopefully we'll try again in a couple of days and she'll eventually look forward to it (fingers crossed).


We are also working on acclimating her to the shower. I'm turning it on and letting her watch me put my hand in the water while I tell her how much fun it is. Three or four times she has ventured off my shoulder on to my forearm to check it out. She's a curious one! I'm hoping to take it slow and eventually she'll warm up to it.


So that's our big day! We both have made great strides in trusting each other and it's great. Now if I could get her to quit pooping on me. Geesh!!! Any suggestions?


PS. I stupidly forgot to bring my camera out, so no pictures. Next time I'll remember. She looks quite special in her dark green harness even if it does mess up her feathers.

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Here's Gabby out today with her harness on. The only problem is the entire time we're out she keeps chewing on it. I snugged the fit up after this pic was taken because it looked a little loose. Still, regardless of the fit, she won't leave it alone. Anyone with experience regarding this? Will she get used to it being there or will it forever drive her nuts?

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GreycieMae went out with me today and 'helped' build the fire we used to grill the 4th of July hot dogs (she got tofu dogs). Love taking her out with me. It's worth the pain in the butt to train them to accept it. She kept making her standard fart noises...love her.

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