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My name is Lissa. I recently adopted an CAG. His name is Arnie and his previous owner said he is 12 years old. She also told me that he bites so she never got him out of his cage. He does not bite! He's a good eater, he really likes carrots, granny smith apples and kale. He does not pull his feathers out and the vet says he is healthy. He has been living with me for about 6 months now. He has started talking and is acquiring a large vocabulary. He refuses to come out of his cage. We work on stepping up everyday and at this point he either holds my finger in his beak or with one of his"hands" but not both of them. Any advice? I have read multiple articles that say spending time out of his cage is a big part of his health and happiness but he doesn't want to get out of the cage. Not even if I leave the door open. He is so social and smart, I just don't want that cage to be the only world he knows.


Thank you



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Hi Lissa and Arnie, and welcome to the grey forum.

If Arnie has a favorite treat, leave the cage door open and put his treat just out side the door and let him come out on his own.

He may step up out side of his cage.

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Welcome. He is not cage aggressive, but won't come out. It seems he is a man of habit. He hasn't been out of the cage in years so has become use to it. Is the cage large enough for him? Or maybe he is due for a change in cages?? If so, that could help him come out. If not, and if Ray's suggestion doesn't work, I would try tying a few long pieces of cloth on the open door and see if that might peak his interest. Keep trying. One of these days he will surprise you and venture out. We love pictures.

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Twelve years is a long time to be in a cage!! So sad but I'm happy to know that Arnie is now with someone encouraging him to come out. It may take some time but hopefully curiosity will win out over his reluctance to come outside the cage. Maybe if you continue to show him what he's missing by being inside, he'll come out and enjoy the fun. Good luck....and yes, we do like photos!!

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Hi Lissa. Is Arnie flighted? If he is not, place a ladder at the opening of the door to the floor. When my TAG came to me, she was clipped. She would use the ladder do come out or go back in. A small table at the open door with treats on it might also help.

Edited by luvparrots
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Hello Lissa and Arnie. So sad that Arnie was in a trapped in a cage for so long. Happy that you found each other. I imagine that if that's all you know then everything else can be kind of scary. If always presented with the opportunity I'm sure he will eventually take it in due time.

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Welcome to you and Arnie. He' s cage bound like my Dorian was when I first brought him home. I didn't keep a diary at the time (wish I had), but I know it was more than 6 months before he poked his head outside his cage. At first even leaving the door open made him shake severely. I had to work very slowly opening the door further in small increments until it was wide open. I spent a lot of his first year with me sitting by his cage or on the floor in front of his cage trying to make 'outside' look fun and interesting. I put together toys in front of him, and played with them, spent time playing with my cat in view of him, trying to make the world outside his cage look fun and interesting. My memory is telling me it was at least 8 months before he took his first tentative steps into the outside world. Even now, inside is his default position. If I leave the room and he is playing/crawling around outside, 9times out of 10 when I get back to the room he'll have gone inside. Arnie may be the same, but there's no reason to think he'll never come out. Remember, grey time moves very slowly, and Arnie may just be extra slow, like Dorian was.

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Thank you everyone for welcoming us. Arnie is flighted although I am not sure he knows he can fly. He is kind of like Batman and tends to glide gracefully. I need to correct myself slightly, he will step up while at the vet or from his travel carrier just not from his cage. Before I got him he was in a very small cage, so small in fact it fit in the new cage I purchased for him. I just set his small cage in the floor of the new larger one and let him take his time checking out the new cage. When he stopped going in the old cage all together I removed it from the new cage. I will say I tried placing toys on the door of his cage as an enticement to come out last night and he used one of the toys to pull the door closed. I have all the time in the world to wait for him to decide to venture out. Thank you for offering advice and I will keep you all posted on his progress!! I posted a picture earlier.



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