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Just a quick introduction.

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Isn't it always the way? You trawl the internet for parrot toy ideas and come across a fabulous forum just before you have to leave the house to pick your children up.




My name is Nicola, I am 35 and a married mother to three girls aged 16, 8 and 2. I live in England and currently we have three cats, Thomas, Charlie and Lola and one female Congo African Grey Izzy.


2014 hasn't been a great year for us. On 11th February our much loved black Labrador Shen passed away. We finally began to get back on track emotionally and felt that maybe 2014 was going to hold some good things for us when the unbelievable happened.


On 16th this month the house next door to us caught fire. The blaze complete gutted the first floor. Whilst the firemen where trying to get the blaze under control the evacuated myself and several neighbours. Because it was a beautiful June day I had my doors and windows open, I was not allowed to re-enter the property to close them. As a consequence we lost our 14 year old Galah Cockatoo Missy. We're still all shocked and it doesn't feel real. He is now buried in a large planter on our deck with a pink flowering shrub and his own memorial plaque.


I hope to get to know you all soon.

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Hi Nicola and welcome to the grey forum to you and your family.

I also had a loss on the 2ed of June, My beautiful Blue fronted Amazon Cricket, so I know and understand what you are going through.

There are a great bunch of members here ready to share your life with any all of your family companions.

Sorry for your loss of Shen and Missy.

We love pictures and sharing our lives with all our critters.

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Thank you Ray P. I don't think we've come to terms with Missy's passing, it's all sort of surreal. At the time it happened everything was quite hectic. We all gave him a kiss goodbye and wrapped him in a soft towel. My husband cried, he had such a bond with Missy, even though he really isn't a parrot person. I had Missy before I met my husband, but they hit it off as they both liked to dance like wallys.,


We were lucky that our grey Izzy survived and all it came down to was cage placement. If Izzy had been closer to the patio door like Missy she would have passed too.




Missy's memorial plaque arrived today. I love to sit out on the deck with him in the evenings.

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Welcome to the GreyForums. Heartbreaking to hear how you lost Missy. A house fire is one of my worst fears concerning my birds, with a break-in and being stolen a close second. I love the little memorial you have for her. We lost a much loved Jardines last year and we planted a bush that has orange feathery flowers similar to the orange cap that Jardines have. I still talk to her when I'm out there.



Your username reminds me of my managers Grey - Seawee!

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Welcome to the forum Nicola. Sorry to hear your family had such a rough start to this year. I've had years like you are describing, I know how it feels. Wishes sent your way for a better finish of this year. Can't wait to hear the stories of your family and pics.

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Thank you everyone for your welcomes and kind words.


Sterling, a house fire has always been one of my biggest fears concerning my pets and family. I just always thought it would be my house catching fire. At the time we were evacuated we had no idea next door was on fire so had no opportunity to close any doors or windows. I had to wash all the bedding yesterday as it smelt of smoke. It's miracle Izzy is okay. She's had no lasting effects from the smoke, the vet put it down to the fact she was furthest away from the door and her cage was half covered at the time to stop the pigeons in the garden giving her the evil eye (they annoy her). Izzy and Missy didn't exactly have a bond, but they respected each other's space, even if Izzy didn't respect Missy's right to talk, she was forever telling him to shut up. However she's not been her usual noisy self since his passing. It must be strange for her, Missy suddenly no longer being there.


Izzy Whizz is currently eight years old. She was hatched on 16th May 2006, two month after my middle daughter was born. We got Izzy from a local breeder after we lost our Timneh Grey Deedee. She sadly passed away in July 2006 due to complications arising from her regurgitating. We rushed her to our avian vet, but we were too late. Izzy has a large vocab and loves to talk, which usually involves telling the children, cats, the dog when he was alive and Missy off. Izzy was originally called Oscar, but after a few days we decided the name didn't suit her (at the time we had no idea of sex) and named her Izzy as in IS HE a boy or girl. We always thought Izzy was a girl and a few years ago we knew for sure when she laid four eggs. Izzy is not the maternal sort and grew bored with her eggs after a day (even though I left them in her little nest for a week). She hasn't laid any eggs since. It's quite funny because when she was in the process of laying the first egg my husband and I thought she was dying and were getti9ng ready to rush her to the avian vet, when pop, we were grandparents.


Izzy loves banana chips, rich tea biscuits and corn on the cob. She hates the wild pigeons that sit in the tree in the garden, strangers and anyone touching her cage/toys etc.



Izzy after a shower


Having a bit of an issue uploading pictures. I'll try and upload some more later.

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Thank you Judygram. Izzy hates being sprayed and prefers to bathe in her water bowl. I tried putting a dish of water down for her, but nope. I only tend to spray her in the summer on hot days.


For some reason I cannot see my previous post.


Yesterday the husband bought Izzy a bag of shelled walnuts. He's trying to make friends with her as I guess he's missing the attention he used to get from Missy. Izzy is convinced he's trying to poison her.


At the moment we're extremely paranoid over Izzy and her health, despite her getting the all clear. It's awful, I keep expecting to find her passed on when I uncover her in the morning. I've also been sleeping in the living room at night, just in case. I really hope this passes soon.

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Hi Nicola, thanks for joining us. Your introduction shows what a deep regard you have for your family, feathered, furry and humans alike. I offer condolences on your losses. It is unbelievable to lose your sweet Missy in such a tragedy. We do all we can with caring for our home and pets not often even considering an outside source of smoke like that would affect your pets inside your own home. The memorial you created is beautiful. Welcome to the grey forum.

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Hi and welcome Nicola. I hope the second half of 2014 is ten times as wonderful as the first half was horrible. I can completely relate to your extra vigilance with Izzy. Whenever I read of a loss here in the forum, I spend a week giving my CAG Gracie extra attention. We are all glad you are here with us. I look forward to hearing more about Izzy and your family. Where abouts in the UK are you? I have friends in Sheffield and used to visit frequently (until I got my CAG 2 1/2 years ago--no travel since then). I miss England--especially in summer. Oklahoma is too HOT!

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