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A Surprise Greeting from Sully


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Sully"s mom.... Of course you will say " I'm coming!" BE PATIENT!" LOL! A very happy, and secure bird emerging. KUDOS to you! As my girl Sophie loves herself so much, checks herself out in the hallway mirror and talks to herself, I am surprised she doesn't ask us... " do I look ok?" LOL I LOVE a grey trying to boss us humans. I never tire of seeing other greys do it. Nancy

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It is something special when they call us by name. Gracie only knows me as "Daddy", but it warms my heart to hear her call out. I hope you can record Sully calling you. Is he camera shy? If Gracie knows I am trying to record anything, she becomes as mute as "The Mona Lisa".

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How wonderful and heartwarming! Your heart must have just been ready to burst with all kindsa love for Sully. One's name is one of the most important things in our lives as humans, and to hear it said by a companion whom we cherish is just priceless.

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