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Stanley is coming home in a few hours!


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We finally get to bring Stanley home! After all if these years of dreaming to get a grey, my Congo is coming home. I have his cage set up and I am so excited! I will update you guys one I bring him home and take some pictures!

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Hey, sorry that I couldn't update you last night, my computer broke and I an posting this from my phone. He has been super good and steps up really good. He has been making cute little sounds! He is so amazing! I can't wait for some memories in the future with Stanley! http://s1281.photobucket.com/user/jRice53/library/


He's currently wanting out of his cage for me to hold him. Oh a have a dumb question, is it normal to have a hole on the bottom of his beak by his neck? I read that is normal but I want to make sure.

Edited by Buckeye
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That is his wingabago, it's his travel cage and it is amazing because it's clear and they don't get very scared and on the way home Stanley was a charm. He just kept making cute little noises and for the wingabago you can get upgrade it and get stainless steel door, rope perches and many other accessories! My breeder uses them for all of her pet birds and never has a problem.

Edited by Buckeye
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