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Phoenix lost his fur brother. :(


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I am so sorry for your loss of Sunshine. My thouights and prayers are with you! Sunshine was a big part of your family and will always be. Take time to grieve, don't worry about the birds... they are picking up on your stress. NOT a bad thing. When I lost Zoey a few months back.... they knew I needed support and offered it. ( a dog). Again.... my condolences. Please talk to us and tell us more about Sunshine. A beautiful cat! I have always wanted one, and have been jealous of people that can have one. I am extremely allergic. I am sure you have many stories about Sunshine! Please tell us! While I can't have a cat, I LOVE hearing stories about them. Nancy

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I am so sorry to hear of your loss. :( I lost my 'geriatric' kitty this past November. We fought many battles for her health and life together, and even though I knew her time was short, it still hurt deeply. Sending thoughts and prayers your way.

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So sorry for your loss. He was beautiful. I'm sure your birds are looking for him, but I honestly believe that they can put together the fact that you're sad and Sunshine's absence and figure out, at least on some level, that he's passed away. They may be more needy, or more cuddly for the next few days. I'm sending you a big cyber hug. ((())) Love, from me, Dorian, and Jac the cat

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Thank You again everyone. You have all been soo kind. I still find myself looking for him. I guess after 18 years that's not surprising. He basically ignored the birds and was never allowed in the room with them when they were out. Phoenix and I had a great cuddle time last night. I sure hope he didn't mind the tears. I know that my babies all know how loved they are and that makes me have some comfort.

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What sad news, to see such a beautiful boy pass on. I so loved seeing his soulful face, what a handsome fellow! Our furred companions' lives are just far too short, no matter how long lived. As each one passes, they leave behind one more tender spot in our hearts. Hugs to you even though only through the glass.

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