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New find for those times when you need something easy but good


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Inara loves these! I found these at my local Safeway store for only 1.25 each and she gets about 3 servings out of each pack. Yes, fresh is best (well except some veggies more nutrition is derived when they are steamed or lightly cooked) but for a quick no fuss vitamin A fix, the Sweet potato, Mango, Millet can't be beat. Super high in A and calcium and yet keeps the iron low. Inara loves these spread on an organic multigrain hemp or flax waffle in the morning and even goes for the broccoli. Or she likes just a spoonful slightly heated. The ones with the number 2 on them (more like junior food) are thicker and more substantial than the number 1's which are like first foods.


Many start with an apple base, but then load in the other ingredients. Good for fussy eaters who fling their veggies and/or when parronts are short on time/energy and need a quickie. I could see these being good for traveling also as they come in bpa-free pouches, so light and easy to pack compared to glass jars.

Edited by Inara
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Love these. They are good to mix with grains as well. I started getting them when Mar was sick, and then had so many left over I finally decided to offer them to the rest of the flock. It was a big hit!

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