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Expectant Mother to TAG Gabby

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image.jpgHi All!


Just found this forum and it seems like a wonderful source of information for me. The conversations I've been reading lead me to believe that I can receive a lot of helpful information and opinions from the group.


I'm very excited to finally be getting a Grey. I've wanted one for a very long time. I've owned cockatiels (still have one) and a Jenday conure. The conure loved me but was so jealous of my young daughter that she would viciously attack her. This was no fun for anybody and I could never let her out of her cage when my daughter was around. I always feared that this would happen with a Grey too, so I put off getting one. Now, it's years later. My daughter has become an adult and left the house and it feels like the time is right. Last weekend I put down a deposit on a female Timneh Grey. She was hatched on March 22nd and I hope to take possession of her the last of June. In the meantime I'm continuing to learn all I can.


Here is a baby pic. Hoping to receive an updated one soon.

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Hi and welcome to the grey forum to you and Gabby.

Your life is about to change and change for the better.

I also have a cockatiel and have had cockatiels for over 42 years. they are awesome.

A grey is living in a new world. You will love it.

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Hello Cabelltech and welcome to our family.


So glad to hear you are finally realizing your dream of sharing your life with a grey and the baby is adorable. I know you are on pins and needles until you can finally bring it home but it will be here soon. I can relate to having a conure attack a child as mine used to do that with my granddaughters, now she mostly just bites me to warn me they are too close to me.


You have come to the right place for advice and guidance for most of us have been where you are right now and we survived with the help of the others and you will find lots of your answers in the many threads here, nothing like firsthand experience.

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Welcome and congratulations on your new companion! How excited you must be! Gabby looks adorable and will no doubt grow up to be a sweetie. After having shared my life for over two decades with a CAG, when I made the decision after my own empty nest to find another CAG, I was completely surprised to have been swept off my feet by a TAG who not only captured my heart but has her little talons permanently embedded in it. I have never had a sweeter or smarter bird than HRH Inara and every day I marvel at her sweet, yet intrepid soul.


You are very blessed. Am sincerely looking forward to hearing all about Gabby's home coming and to see lots of posts and pictures as the two of you grow together.

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I am on pins and needles! I'm trying to prepare for her. I've been trying to find the perfect spot for her in my living room. I have a tiny house so I'm gonna have to move a couple of things out to make room for her cage. I've had the measuring tape out to make sure I leave enough space.

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I am blessed in so many ways! I'm doing all I can for us to have a good start together. My Persian cat just recently started having issues with his eye again. I'm taking him to the vet tomorrow which will probably result in eye surgery. He had surgery on his other eye a couple of years ago. I'm really stressed about it as it means a couple of days lost work and at least two weeks of intensive post care. The last time meant a corneal graft and I'm hoping I caught it early enough to avoid that this time. I worry so much when one of my animal babies are sick that I can't sleep or think of much else. I really stress out about it because I want to stay home from work to be with them but I can't. Even so, I'm thankful that the worst of this should be behind us before I go to bring Gabby home. I'd hate to bring her home when I'd be so stressed. I hope that our experience resembles the one you have with your TAG. I've always wanted a Congo but the Timneh came up for availability first. A lot of the research I've done suggests that the Timneh has less fear issues than the Congo and is a more relaxed bird. That sounds great to me (if that's the case), but I do like the Congo's bright red tail. What it all comes down to, for me, is the amount of companionship we can have together. I'm really looking forward to getting to know her.

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Just found this forum and it seems like a wonderful source of information for me. The conversations I've been reading lead me to believe that I can receive a lot of helpful information and opinions from the group.


I'm very excited to finally be getting a Grey. I've wanted one for a very long time. I've owned cockatiels (still have one) and a Jenday conure. The conure loved me but was so jealous of my young daughter that she would viciously attack her. This was no fun for anybody and I could never let her out of her cage when my daughter was around. I always feared that this would happen with a Grey too, so I put off getting one. Now, it's years later. My daughter has become an adult and left the house and it feels like the time is right. Last weekend I put down a deposit on a female Timneh Grey. She was hatched on March 22nd and I hope to take possession of her the last of June. In the meantime I'm continuing to learn all I can.

Here is a baby pic. Hoping to receive an updated one soon.


TAGs have a great personality, are people friendly, not afraid of much, easy to socialize, not known to be strong biters, take to different foods easily, don't talk as much as CAGs but will talk to you in their own language on a constant basis. If you have others in the family, make sure they're involved with the TAG. So look at this as a sign of the future.







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Hello to you and Gabby. Like you, I am also new to the forum and also waiting for my grey baby who should be ready to come home in July or August. I have two other birds as well but have never been owned by a grey. Being in the same boat we can share the excitement and the learning. Your baby is adorable. Once again, welcome.

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Welcome to the wonderful world of TAGs! We all love our babies to the hilt, and will love yours too! LOL

TAGs are a bit more even tempered than CAGs but it does vary bird to bird. They are also a bit smaller than CAGs. Mine is a joy 99% if the time.

Looking forward to hearing all about Gabby's home coming.

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Mine will be a congo. I will be going in about two weeks to see them. I live about two and a half hours from the breeder :( wish it were closer. I want to wait until they are a little older as they are only about three weeks old right now. Hopefully a connection will be made. Not sure on the gender and I haven't picked a name either. I figure it will come to me in due time. It will be fun comparing notes

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My breeder/bird store owner is located 5 hours away. It's hard to find baby Greys in my area. It's also hard to find someone I feel confident buying from. It's good you can go and visit. My first time seeing her is when I get to take her home.

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Whether it be a Tinneh or congo grey... it doesn't matter! Developing the relationship is what is important! It is also important for new owners to work together. Nancy


I agree, I love both the Congo and the Timneh.

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Im New here too!


So excited! brought my baby Clinton home 2 weeks ago! he's 3 months and very very sweet little guy! I'm loving this forum! [ATTACH=CONFIG]25254[/ATTACH]


Denise, why don't you make a new thread in the welcome room and tell us more about yourself and Clinton.

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