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Update on beaker pics inside


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Well I am about ready to take the little guy home, I misunderstood the breeder. He is actually 10 weeks old, he is weening right now. My girlfriend and I played with him for about an hour and a half tonight. Petting him everywhere to show that hands are friends, and I would occasionally turn him over on his back so he will understand it isn't a bad thing later on down the road.








my girlfriend and Beaker




Peaches and I again, I love this guy even though he bit me today :( an amazon shrieked and scared him he dug in my wrist. My arm fell kind of fast and he bit my arm to hold on so he wouldn't fall. It was my fault though, I feel bad about almost dropping him but my natural reflex of let go when something was hurting me kicked in before my brain. I guess I'll learn to do better.

IMG_2389.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: jimmycoop2005, at: 2007/11/02 17:37

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OMG, your baby is tooooooo cute!! And you guys are a beautiful couple :)


Don't worry about the biting thing, things like that happen... One time my fiance (Andrew) had Makena on his shoulder (he wasn't wearing a shirt). Anyways, Mak slipped and he did the first thing he thought of... grabbed Andrew's arm with his beak. He slid down his arm grabbing on with his beak the whole way... Once Makena finally landed on the floor he had an entire beak full of Andrew's skin.


Don't worry it happens!!!! It is nothing against you, it is just your little guy getting scared. You guys will be great parents.. Congratulations!!!

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Great photos Jimmy!! Your new baby is great looking and just flat out adorable. It is so good that you and your girl friend are able to pay visits like that and spend time with your baby. My wife and I did the same thing for 8 weeks. We went and visited him each week for an hour plus as he grew and eventually weaned.


Thanks for sharing these and we'll look forward to hearing more from you and seeing more photos as you visit him and he grows!! You will not believe how much they change in just 1 week.

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I forgot to post the picture of Peaches, it is up now. He came from an abusive home, that is why he has the mark on his chest. :( He picks at it, the breeders say it looks a lot better now. I hate people that could do that to a sweet bird like that.


It's very hard to leave him there hah, we are trying to bring him up so he will like more than just one person. Hopefully we are doing everything right. He is starting to be able to walk pretty well now, it is soo funny seeing him trying to walk haha

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What a cute birdie! And I love the name :). My bird's name is Nikko (she already had that name when I adopted her), but I call her Beaker or Beakie more than anything.


Poor Peaches, I can't imagine abusing an innocent animal. Glad he's found himself a real family that will treat him right :).

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spookyhurst wrote:

What a cute birdie! And I love the name :). My bird's name is Nikko (she already had that name when I adopted her), but I call her Beaker or Beakie more than anything.


Poor Peaches, I can't imagine abusing an innocent animal. Glad he's found himself a real family that will treat him right :).


Thank ya, yeah the breeder actually named him that, but I like it :D.


I know, especially spending that much money on a bird, then abusing it makes me really mad. But like you said he has a good home now, the breeder takes very good care of him.

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Thanks Jimmy for sharing these pictures with us, your baby is adorable, but then all the grey babies are so cute, I just want to hug them all.


And Peaches is a pretty thing too and how anyone could abuse such a magnificent animal is beyond me but glad he has a loving family now who cares for him unconditionally.:)

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The bird rescue I got Nikko from got in 2 Moluccans about a year ago that had been abused. The one had been thrown against a wall opening a gash on its chest. The abuser didn't bother to get the bird help and the wound festered. I believe it was the guy's mother that finally turned the birds over to the rescue. It took several surgeries to get the chest wound closed because too much of the tissue had rotted away. Yet somehow, the bird remained a sweetheart (it's mate was more skittish) and allowed the wound to be treated daily without a fuss. When I saw Peaches picture, it reminded me of these 2 poor birds.

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  • 8 months later...

What a horrible thing to do to a sweet M2 cocatoos are the sweetest cuddleiest birds I know why would anyone want to hurt them I just don't get it but then I don't understand why anybody would hurt any animal I love all animals and would never do anything to urt one thats for sure. Your baby is just the cutest little thing make you want to just scoop them up and kiss them all over. I just love those baby dark eyes make they make me just fall in love sooooo sweeet

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