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Bubba escaped from his cage last night during dinner.


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Bubba, our macaw, got out of his cage during dinner. Bit Cotay pretty bad on her foot. We thought the bleeding had stopped but woke this morning to what looked like no less than a blood bath in her cage. What we knew to do wasn't working and so she is now at the vet and they think they have to keep her over night. My poor little girl, she doesn't like me but knew I was taking her for the care she needed and was wonderful letting me handle her.

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Ha! Just spoke to the vet and they had to use surgical glue. We can pick her up at 7 tonight as long as the glue holds and she doesn't open it up again. He got a nip on her chest too but that's just surface! Yeah! Pad lock time for the big boys cages!

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Glad to hear Cotay is okay!


It's very frustrating when the fids insist on assaulting each other. It's so hard at times to keep them apart when they do their darnedest to get to each other.

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Thank you all! She has three areas that he used glue on to stop the bleeding, poor thing looks miserable and she isn't out of the woods yet. If she picks at the glue it could get worse. Poor hubby, Cotay is his little girl and even after they went to bed last night, every 2 hours he was going in and checking on her. The vet gave her 2 meds, one for pain and an antibiotic. She was really good letting me handle her yesterday, today should be interesting.

Cotays cage is Bubba's first cage when he moved in here, i don't think he was trying to be mean, just knew that was his cage and it has a perch on top, the others are domed so he was just going for comfort. It was really weird trying to explain to the vet that Cotay is not a mutilator, Bubba nicked her chest and he thought she did it to herself picking. I am telling them, she has alot more feathers now than when we got her, lol.

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It took me a day to work up the inner reserve to open this thread. I was thinking Bubba had his belongings in a hobo sack and was making his way to the border. I'm so glad that Cotay has been treated and released. I love that she is daddy's girl and he is devoted too. I'm seeing that change in our home and don't mind doing the care and him being the "good time Charlie" as long as we see a happy parrot at the end of the day.

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Sooo happy Cotay is okay! As far as the glue, it is called " dermabond", is especially strong, may see " purple areas" where it is applied. It is FANTASTIC, durable and from my experience, better than sutures! I have never seen such an amazing product! May take several weeks of seeing the purple glue. Don't try to wash it off! It will go away many weeks later. Nancy

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They were worried she would pick at it and open it up but so far, so good. She seems to be feeling a little better and i know this because she is lunging and trying to bite me again as of last night. We put their dinners in the cages and since she still isn't using the foot and she was looking upward for her perch, i thought i would help her again like i did the night before. She lunged at me throwing herself upside down hanging from one foot on a perch, i tried again to help her but she was out for blood so i had to let her work herself back up. It is a good sign, i guess :-( , lol. Should be real fun getting her to take her meds this morning. She gets two in the morning and one in the evening, why couldn't it be one in the morning and two in the evening when Pat is here to give it to her?? lol She adores Pat and he her so for him it is easy as pie. Gabby however isn't taking the extra Cotay attention very well, we noticed she has some feather chewing damage on the top of her wing. When it rains here, it pours!

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It is amazing how quickly they recover from a blood loss that would kill us, tough critters for sure. The Pinkiller is most likely an anti inflammatory as well and you may be able to squirt it into a grape if she like them it makes for an easier med administration. We did that at the Zoo with difficult beasties.

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murfchck... I am so sorry! I am sorry for the trauma that is going on, but as well, Cotay doesn't know or understand the love you have for her. It WILL happen. Many times us mamas are an " after thought", and they love someone else. It CAN change and unfortunately takes time... grey time which is awhile.YOU.... are an awesome mama. Nancy

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Thank you Nancy! It took Gabby over a year not to bite me if I had to handle her for any reason, now we have an understanding and get along pretty good. Cotay will one day get there with me but i am okay with waiting.

I got a picture of her foot but it hasn't uploaded yet, as soon as it does I will post it, poor thing, it looks so painful and swollen. We go back to the vet on Monday for a recheck, i am a little fearful that it could be broken but Pat tells me i am over reacting, lol. Thats what us moms do! I had Pat do her meds Tuesday night and thought it went good but i gave them to her yesterday and Pat asked why she didn't sling it like she did when he gave it to her, Maybe she understands that if i am giving it to her she must really need it because so far (knock on wood) she has been great taking it for me. Now we have her feather issue, the vet thought she had picked at her chest and i had told them she didn't and that the amount of feathers she has is much more than when we got her... Came home to a cage full of feathers, she picked darn it. I guess her inability to move around to get to her toys caused boredom so she plucked, her chest is bare again and little white fluff was everywhere. For now i guess that feathers are better than her foot if she has to pick at something.

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I am attaching the photo of her poor foot. Talked to vet yesterday because it is so swollen and she still won't use it. He said he expected this, that is was a very bad injury and a lot of damage. He said she would be needing hydro-therapy that we will be starting in a week or so. He also said that we didn't discuss this when i brought her in because he more concerned with stopping the bleeding. He will go over everything when i come in Monday for her follow up. I had dropped her off as an emergency and never saw him that day and when i picked her up, he was with another patient. I do have to go up there today for more antibiotics. They gave me exactly enough for 7 days, 2 x's a day but didn't take into account that we would loose some due to our expert experience of pulling the syringe out and stuff squirting out the top. lol The pain stuff is no problem, it is a thinner liquid so it doesn't continue to come out!


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