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Breaking Smokey News!


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This was the last hurdle and it has been jumped..lol.. Smokey stepped right up on Jaxin our 3yr old while we were out playing.


Both are very adorable!


Just be very careful. Even if he is clipped, they can fly a good distance (and UP) if startled. Marden flew clear across our yard and landed on the fence once, and then my husband had him outside without his harness and he was startled by one of those hose-end mister things, and he took off for the tree in the yard, flying like a wild bird and I barely managed to jump up and catch his feet. Both times he was clipped. He was just such a strong flier that it didn't matter. Also be aware of hawks. One of the guys who helped us move said his cousin lost their Grey to a hawk when they let it fly outside. :( It's such a dangerous world out there!

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When we got the Greybies, we were told by the store and their breeder (who worked there) that clipping "keeps them from gaining altitude" - quote. Hahaha. Right. Mar proved that no, it does not. All they need to overcome the lack of surface area is either a good wind or more thrust. The day Mar flew across the (fairly good size) back yard and landed on the fence was the day I bought his harness. We had the harness but my husband was *convinced* he 1. would not be able to fly, and 2. was too "bonded" to him to leave his side. That was a "told you so" moment I absolutely hated to have to experience. How I jumped straight up in the air and caught him was simply a miracle. Especially since I am pretty sure my heart stopped beating during that moment until I gathered him back in my arms.


I suspect a lot of escaped "clipped" birds are due to people getting this "they can't gain altitude" information from sources that they trust like bird stores and breeders. :(

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You know, my Ana Grey trusts me and none of my parrots have a "fear" for me. But they are birds and if they could fly outdoors I know they would. They trust me and are "bonded" to me. But each of them would take flight and fly to their hearts content until dinner time and then I believe they would be perched somewhere just waiting for me to come get them for their dinner and wondering why their parront didn't come get them. They are birds and have wings for flight and you know if I could fly I would do the same. Being free has nothing to do with bonding. It is just a beautiful thing, flight.

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You know, my Ana Grey trusts me and none of my parrots have a "fear" for me. But they are birds and if they could fly outdoors I know they would. They trust me and are "bonded" to me. But each of them would take flight and fly to their hearts content until dinner time and then I believe they would be perched somewhere just waiting for me to come get them for their dinner and wondering why their parront didn't come get them. They are birds and have wings for flight and you know if I could fly I would do the same. Being free has nothing to do with bonding. It is just a beautiful thing, flight.


You don't know how right you are. When Greycie was let out by my SIL, she flew to her hearts content - straight to the horizon. Finally two days later she was perched in a tree where we normally rode her Townie rides just waiting for me to come by 3 miles away.

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LOVED the picture of Jaxin and Smokey. Especially liked bird on wrist only. GREAT start of a relationship that is going to see sleepovers for many years. While I also had a clipped bird, that eventually became fully flighted, harness training needs to start too. I kept Sophie " trimmed", I wouldn't say clipped because she could fly room to room. She was clipped when I got her.... let her grow her feathers and then she was trimmed. We practiced flying with her. She can fly quite well, but I totally understand and support people that chose to trim their birds initially, then slowly work on growing their feathers with the intention of free flight. nancy

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry i havent been on to reply, Thankyou all for the kind words. and yes, i know the risk. And trust me, that was a rare, VERY rare time Smokey will not be under cover when outside. His out door play land is under construction as i type, would have been done if i wasnt working so much and the crap rain we have been getting..

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