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Essential oils


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I've been reading on a Facebook page that is all about parronts who diffuse/use specific pure essential oils in their homes. They say only two brands are safe around parrots, and they all lean toward one, Young Living Essential Oils. The group, if you are on Facebook, is called Aromatherapy for Parrots.


There is also a book published that was authored by Angela Nelson called Aromatherapy for Parrots.


Here is the authors webpage



And a vet who advocates this




I do know EO's help humans but I've not used any since getting Nala.


What do you all know about this topic?




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This is one of those subjects that you will have to decide your self after careful study into both products and usage. It is possible to have great results and also easily misused when not enough study goes into the decision making. Like anything else the more you know the better. Good question Michelle I know there may be controversy here.

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I, at this point can't imagine diffusing it in our home...any risk to Nala is too much.


However it is something I want to hear about from those here with knowledge.


I'd never put Nala at risk.


I am hoping I can use oils on my own body as a part of overall health and wellness but worry even the scent lingering on me may be harmful to Nala.


Currently I make my own natural cleaners and they do have essential oil (lavender) but don't have Nala in the same room I am cleaning in.


I am curious about people who DO diffuse oils in homes where parrots are.

Edited by Michellec
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Thank you. I won't be diffusing around Nala, but on the HUMANS and in the cleaner I make, I feel ok using lavender EO (only pure authentic) and German Chamomile.


Regarding Parrots, there just isn't solid research. Thanks for the responses. I've been researching this for hours and hours.....glad to get back to homework that I've neglected!!



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Hi Michelle! I have been diffusing oils for about 2 months. These have had no ill effect on Pearl whatsoever. They've been an amazing asset to our family and Pearl has stopped plucking completely! Also, the Lemon oil and Thieves blend from Young Living is what I dilute and use to clean her cage- sparkly clean and smells awesome! Our avian vet is okay with it, but I guess all of them feel differently. There are only certain essential oil companies I would trust and Young Living is one of them. Let me know if you have any questions!

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Paleale,Brad (furley) here,I so want to start to use oils as i used them a lot before I got Sako 3 months ago,I use to burn frankincense all the time but have stopped because i heard it was very dangerous to expose her to it.I am happy to see your post. My ? is what oils do you use and what do you use to put it out there,I use to just burn my frankincense in one that u use a small candle to heat up.can you recommend something for me .thank you.

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Sorry all, I am old school. Oils, whatever you burn to stop plucking, IS NOT REAL! STOP polluting their lungs. Plucking is a behavior that is not fully understood. Some do, when stressed, some do for no reason. You can have the best parrent that has done everything right, and still have a plucker. Alovera has been shown to be successful. Nancy

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Greywings is right. A lot of research has to be put into this before you start implementing it. I am a firm believer that certain essential oils could actually be good for birds. They are exposed to them all of the time in the wild. The first mistake that people are making here is the idea that they would be burnt like you would burn incense. In the little bit of research that I have done, no one burns these oils. They diffuse them in water vapor. You also have to remember that you cannot expose them to certain things that they would expose themselves to in the wild. For instance, Macaws and amazons may eat vegetation that would be potentially toxic to them but then they head to the riverbank to eat clay which removes the toxins. There is a lot of things that you have to keep in mind. Without that knowledge, I wouldn't fool with it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks all. Checking back today and I appreciate the responses. I'd never burn anything in my home. Been volunteering at a aviary and they use lavender diffused....I noticed it when there but will ask more questions next time I'm there.

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Lavender is useful in promoting calmness the intention may be assisting nervous birds feel safer. hey take in birds from a "humane" confiscation whether from a bad situation or not the stress of a sudden move or their past treatment can make a bird feel very stressed.

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