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to the vet with my grey. I was totally shocked to find out that my grey's is anemic his level was at 18% and should be around 45% from what I was told. We did some blood work should have results today the dr. was really stunned himself and not really sure what has brought this on. He did start him on antibotics b/c he has a sore on his foot{unkn how that happened). I have been upset and I am just hoping for the best other than that he said the bird is in good health and doing great. Any suggestions please advise. Tks Darlene

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I would do whatever the vet says...they know what they are doing. Make sure your grey is on a good pellot diet with veggies and fruits everyday. I don't give my grey much seed, just a little as a garnishment on the pellots.


What are you feeding him now?

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Harley is on a pellet diet we are struggling with fruits and vegs but I think due to the fact he wasn't feeling well. Today was the 1st time he ate with us for dinner I have noticed since the antibotics I have noticed a change in him he is much more perker and he was a little pale but u can tell his color has changed tomorrow he goes for xrays doc is still puzzled with what is wrong with him. Tks for all the advice

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he is on a pellet diet but Im thinking b/c he was not feeling well that is the reason he was not eating his fruits and vegs today he was really active and ate dinner with us for the fist time. tomorrow he goes to the vet for xrays wish us luck.

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Sorry to here your new grey is sick harley. :-(


If his personality and appetite changed that much in just one day of being on antibiotics, it cleary indicates he dearly needed them. It's good to hear that he responded so rapidly to them.


We'll look forward to hearing how the vet visit and xrays turn out.


You know, we fret over each and everyone of our Grey Forum members parrot as if they were Family (which we think they are!!).

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well guys here is the update on Harley and it is not good at all. His wbs was diminished the pcv was 18% should be around 45-55% he has a high globulin and high fungal levels. Xrays revealed a rounded liver and cloudy air sacs all else was normal. They are not testing for beak and feather virus and polyomavirus. After that we are going to do a biospy of the liver for possible bone marrow aspirate to test for lymphoid cancer. As of right now he is stable and on antibotics we are just playing the waiting game but Dr. Rich did advise this could result in death. Totally devastated. Place where we purchased the bird offered to take him and give us a new but is that really the right thing. I just keep thinking if that were a child I wont trade my child in for a new one. I dont know just really confused just going to wait and hear for the news. Thanks for all yall support means alot to me. Tks

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I am so sorry to hear of this news, Harley, and my heart goes out to you for I know you are devastated right now. I was hoping to hear better news but you are doing the best you can and I pray for a miracle for Harley.


No I wouldn't give him up either, he is a part of your family, just as a child is and you could no sooner part with one of your children much less Harley. I know you love him with all your heart and my heart is breaking also thinking about him.


Please keep us up to date on him on any new developments and I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers. If you need to talk to someone for support you can pm me anytime or most any of the other members, we care about you and Harley.

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Thank yall for your concerns he is doing ok we are just giving him his antibotics but if you guys saw this grey you would be like WOW he doesn't even appear sick that is what is making things difficult for me, but I will keep you guys posted once again thanks alot.

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Well it is final we got the offical results today about Harley he has beck and feather virus. We have to bring him back tomorrow to the place where we purchased him at first they were being cooperative now the owner is starting to act like a jerk. We have all the proof he needs and some. I just wanted to let u guys know the final details I will keep you posted and will share my new grey with you guys when I get one. Thanks for all the support you guys have been wonderful on the forum.

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How sad Harley.


What did the vet say in regards how treatable beak and feather disease is and what he thinks the chances of Harley recovering are?


From the sounds of what the x rays indicated with the liver, it sounds like it may be in a very advanced stage, but only the vet could determine that. Are you still going through with the biopsy?


Please know you and harley are in our thoughts and prayers.

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Well I just wanted to let everyone know that Harley did not make it he had to be but to sleep yesterday it was really hard for me he was very special to me. I worked really hard with him b/c when we first got him he did not want anyone but me. But the vet advised there is no cure it would only get worse. However, the pet store did give us a new grey he or she is about 5 1/2 months old we had to disinfect the whole house before he could come home b/c of Harley's dander the new could catch it which we dont want that. Anyway, hopefully this will be better. But I would like to thank everyone for there concern and prayers for Harley and our family. Thanks and I will keep u guys posted with the new addition to the family. Thanks

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Darlene, I am so sorry to hear of Harley's demise, but it was for the best, at least he won't suffer any longer. It just wasn't meant to be, but now you have a new one and even though he/she won't take Harley's place, it will help heal your broken heart.


Please keep us updated on the new grey, what you are going to name it and so forth, and we would love to see a picture as soon as you get one.

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Please be careful if you are getting another grey from the same person all the birds may have it if they come from the same breeder make sure before you take another bird that its healthy. If I where you I'd try to get my money back and get a bird from a differant breedeer.



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Well guys 1st thanks for all your support. But we did get another grey and we took it straight from the pet store to the vet had blood drawn and a swab and this new grey tested positive for beck and feather. Having a real hard time with the owner we just want our money back but of course he does not believe the University of Ga. And also my sun conure tested positive for it but only thru the swab not the blood. He will fight it off. So now he is trying to blame the conure but the 2nd bird never met the conure until after we had blood drawn. We are probably going to get an attorney b/c the owner is being a butthole. I am just so upset all we wanted to do was become a african grey owner and this experience has been the worst. But I will keep u guys posted. Tks

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