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Isaac Update: Feathers Coming Back


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....and last night he pulls the few tummy feathers. I can't afford to keep up with the Pluck-No-More at 70 bucks every 2 weeks. He only does this at night. Preens hours all day with no feathers lost....only when covered at night sometime. It's only about 8-10...but that is all that comes in over the course of weeks and weeks....so maybe he doesn't even give them a chance. I don't know. All I know is that the only place I ever see fallen feathers is in the food cup under where he sleeps. The rest of his back, wings and all...are doing pretty good still. He's over 90% of the way there.

Edited by Elvenking
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I used to work on my computer sometimes after I covered him. I have since gave him all the space he needed to sleep a full night. I am as quiet as one can be. Since he is covered, I can only guess he is sleeping....I have never been able to peek at Isaac and see him sleep....ever at all. He would always hear me coming. I don't have to cover him. I am afraid if I don't though, that might stress him out. As soon as I do cover him....he takes his place on his food dish and does not move until he is uncovered the next day. What is the rescue remedy?

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I would try something like this if I thought that Isaac had any emotional issues. However, he is the happiest grey this side of the universe for sure. I could not imagine a more vibrant and happy bird in my mind. The Pluck No More was supposed to be a similar remedy. and those folks have already gotten close to 300 of my bucks, and I have no proof that it is having any effect.

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I have the luxury of not having to cover Dorian because he sleeps in my office. I can turn off the lights and shut the door and he has a perfect dark, quiet, place to sleep where he isn't distracted by me coming and going. I only mentioned it to you because you said he was pulling out feathers at night, so I wondered if something in his night time routine was bothering him. I was wondering if a couple of drops of the rescue remedy at bedtime would stop the urge to pluck.

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I have the luxury of not having to cover Dorian because he sleeps in my office. I can turn off the lights and shut the door and he has a perfect dark, quiet, place to sleep where he isn't distracted by me coming and going. I only mentioned it to you because you said he was pulling out feathers at night, so I wondered if something in his night time routine was bothering him. I was wondering if a couple of drops of the rescue remedy at bedtime would stop the urge to pluck.


Is this the stuff? How much would a parrot get?



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Our vet recommended this when Miss Gilbert was barbering her feathers. I thought it was probably habit rather than anxiety because she really was a quiet, reserved grey. That is the same stuff. The 20 mL bottle lasted a really long time. I started out putting 2 drops a day in her water and switched it up to putting it in her warm bean mix because she ate it more directly. With the water it's hard to tell if she was even getting any. Our vet said to expect it to take at least six weeks. We committed to trying it for six months and I believe it was helpful to her. We stopped after six months and when she started barbering her feathers we started the drops again and continued them for another six months. That seemed to be what helped her through our second year together. Isaac is very happy and very well adjusted. If you don't observe him working over his feathers it could be that when you are away he may fret about your unexpected hospital stay when he didn't know where you went. The Rescue Remedy isn't too expensive considering you use only a couple drops a day. I think it was the key that helped Miss Gilbert to turn a corner here with us.

Edited by katana600
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I believe Issac had a problem when you unexpectedly went to the hospital. He thought he had lost you. I have a CAG who gets anxious now and then. I talk to him and tell him when I leave the house and will be back. It has calmed him down. They do learn to love us and be part of the family/flock. They want so to know that we are safe and will be back. They understand a lot more than some people give them credit for. I talk to my gang all the time. As you know I have a re-homed zon who I cannot touch but he can touch me. He will go into and out of his cage as I ask. Just show him what I want and don't touch.


Issac is very in tune to you.

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Our vet recommended this when Miss Gilbert was barbering her feathers. I thought it was probably habit rather than anxiety because she really was a quiet, reserved grey. That is the same stuff. The 20 mL bottle lasted a really long time. I started out putting 2 drops a day in her water and switched it up to putting it in her warm bean mix because she ate it more directly. With the water it's hard to tell if she was even getting any. Our vet said to expect it to take at least six weeks. We committed to trying it for six months and I believe it was helpful to her. We stopped after six months and when she started barbering her feathers we started the drops again and continued them for another six months. That seemed to be what helped her through our second year together. Isaac is very happy and very well adjusted. If you don't observe him working over his feathers it could be that when you are away he may fret about your unexpected hospital stay when he didn't know where you went. The Rescue Remedy isn't too expensive considering you use only a couple drops a day. I think it was the key that helped Miss Gilbert to turn a corner here with us.


Okay...this is at least 4 times cheaper than reordering the Pluck No More. I can try this.



Isaac was plucking at least 4 or 5 days before I went to the hospital, but maybe he sensed something I didn't. I could see how the hospital visit would stress him out, me being gone for longer than ever. I don't know he was pretty sad looking even before I got so sick. He is the sweetest and happiest character I know though. He knows he is safe here in my house and that everyone loves him. The way he rubs his head on my face and shoulder with his little eyes closed...I am the sure the little guy is happy when I am here. He's making fart noises at me cause he knows it makes me laugh. LOL. Cause when I laugh...then he laughs like I laugh which makes it even funnier. I will try the drops...I figure there is nothing to lose. I could either put it in his water or his morning soak and serve.

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So sorry to hear the plucking continues. I do know you have exhausted all avenues in trying to find the underlying cause and ways to try and slow it down or stop it. I know you love Isaac regardless and your relationship will always remain intact with the joy you bring to each other.

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I believe Issac had a problem when you unexpectedly went to the hospital. He thought he had lost you. I have a CAG who gets anxious now and then. I talk to him and tell him when I leave the house and will be back. It has calmed him down. They do learn to love us and be part of the family/flock. They want so to know that we are safe and will be back. They understand a lot more than some people give them credit for. I talk to my gang all the time. As you know I have a re-homed zon who I cannot touch but he can touch me. He will go into and out of his cage as I ask. Just show him what I want and don't touch.


Issac is very in tune to you.


Thanks to modern medicine, I didn't die on my dear friend. I for sure know that he is in tune with me by the way he behaves. He is merged with my life....he gets loads of love. I hear what you are saying about talking to them. I also do tell him that I will either be back...or be 'right' back depending on how long it will be. Sometimes when I go out the front door for just a few mins, I'll tell him that I will just be right back. So that he knows it won't be long in those cases. I always tell my guys in some way though. In addition, my birds are the only ones in the house the vast majority of the time, so they get talked to...a lot. My neighbors probably think a whole family lives up here.

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So sorry to hear the plucking continues. I do know you have exhausted all avenues in trying to find the underlying cause and ways to try and slow it down or stop it. I know you love Isaac regardless and your relationship will always remain intact with the joy you bring to each other.


He's doing wonderful elsewhere on his body. Here are some photos from like...right now.







He actually looks pretty darned great these days. He's got a red freckle on his neck. ;)


Edited by Elvenking
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He is looking great. In the second picture he looks like he's smiling. As for being in tune with us, I know Dorian is with me. I have Fibromyalgia, and I also get migraines. He's a very vocal fellow, but on my 'bad' days he clams right up. I don't have to ask him, he just does. If I lay down for a nap he's absolutely silent until I'm up and about again. Whether it's our energy, or an aura, or whatever, greys seem particularly sensitive to it. Whatever triggered Issac's plucking, it may now be a habit, so I'd try substituting something else in it's place. Since it's happening at bedtime, what about Miss Gilbert's night time treat of a spoonful of warm oatmeal, maybe with a couple of drops of rescue remedy in it?

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There is no doubt in my mind that Isaac is cherished and kept in style, comfort and the luxury of care and love. The uncanny way they hide illness is no doubt an evolutionary instinct. If they hide their own illness, there is no doubt Isaac could have recognized signs of your impending appendix emergency before you did. What is important now is that he is creating a new pattern, he is growing his feathers back beautifully. I wish I could be your neighbor and hear the happy sounds of your flock family. It's always a joy to see the videos of Isaac and his cup. You have a great relationship.

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So loved seeing the photos of your beautiful, sweet Isaac. What a sweetie he is, and one can sense from the photos that he is a happy, well loved bird -- even if we didn't know you and how much you love and care for Isaac. I'm also of a mind that there might be something going on at night that could be a bit bothersome to Isaac even with his cage covered. What material is his cover made from, what do you wash it with, and do you use any scented fabric softeners, etc on it? Just looking for possible allergens that might make Isaac feel "itchy." Or, if you haven't washed it for a time, perhaps try washing it in vinegar and very hot water -- let it soak for a bit, then rinse really really well with plain water and let it air dry or dry in the sunshine. Just a thought.


I've never covered my birds at night because I've always felt that if I am moving around for some reason, that if they can open an eye and see that it's me they may be less inclined to wonder about what is prowling around that they can't see. I also call out to Inara softly if I am going to walk past her cage area in the night, so that she knows it is me and is not frightened or startled. Not saying that this is the best way, just saying that it always has seemed to work for my birds in the past, and seems to work well with Inara. We don't however spend a lot of time in the evenings near her cage area, we are usually in another part of the house. I could see why you would want to cover, if you had your computer going, or the tv, etc. I'm wondering if waiting to cover Isaac until you go to bed might also help? Just brainstorming here.


In any event, Isaac looks as if he is making really good progress, and all of the changes that you've made in his diet, and his environment are very positive. You are both such great companions to one another and will continue to be so whether or not Isaac has decided that his tummy tickles and therefore must be given a lot of his attention. So love these updates as I think about you both often.

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