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Isaac Update: Feathers Coming Back


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Hello all. My last update was in early January just after Isaac had broke off his feathers around his body. We speculate that he did this because he either sensed that I had impending sickness coming (appendicitis that resulted in infection and surgery) or if he was longing for a mate to mate with. At any rate....long pins are coming in all over his body now and he is leaving them be. Well, he is actually preening correctly and taking care of them. Good sign. I really hope to see my baby with all of his feathers grown in again soon....and I will post pictures of him!!


He has been his usual very, very sweet self lately otherwise. I love him a lot. He is trying to master this humming whistle sound I do now. It is funny cause I catch his full attention any time I do it....and then he tries...and he's just about got it. Funny to hear him. He has been learning new ways to get my attention as well. Flipping the cabinets open and letting them bounce closed to make sounds that can be heard in adjacent apartments. Did I mention that they poop a lot. LOL. Funny little character!


Come on feathers!!!



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Glad to hear Isaac is getting his feathers back and will soon be his glorious beautiful self again soon. Mr. Poop-O-Matic, makes me laugh to think of it. Your neighbors must think you have some mad skills in the kitchen tearing around and practicing to be on one of those Iron Chef shows or something. Isaac is a true treasure, I'm glad he found you and brought you to grey forums.

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So happy Isaac is getting back his feathers! We really want you to show us pictures of the process.What I LOVE about this forum... is we really care! I think most people think like me on this forum.... we are extended aunts and uncles and get excited to hear progress( as well as we are there for setbacks). We personally feel the ups and downs. Nancy

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Week 1


Here are some photos of the lil guys new feathers. Kind of hard to see. There are about 20 or so that I can see on his back, and more on his wings and tummy. Only a few longer ones can be see in in the photos.






You can see about 4-5 good ones in this pic.






..and a last one from far away. You can kind of see one coming in on the left wing there.




They kind of blend in, but when he gets excited or you know...when the feathers stand up on them...Then I can see all the pins coming in. It's gonna take some months to get em back....but I'll just be happy that he doesn't chew 'em. He's doing his normal preening that I can see....so all signs are good. Wish him strength and energy to grow a beautiful set. I love him.




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That is good news and you can certainly see those pin feathers coming back in. Those of us who have known you and Isaac for years on this forum are very glad to hear and see this post. I look forward to the updates on his plumage coming back in and also his antics. :)

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So glad to hear that everything's getting back on track!! Issac will probably be pretty much back to his handsome self by the end of the month. As much as I hate it, Kura clobbers her feathers every winter (hormones ) & grows them all back in the spring. It is amazing how fast they come back once they start to leave them alone.

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Week 2


Okay...here we go on WEEK 2! He is looking about a 20% Feather Fill right now up from last week at somewhere less than 10 percent. Doing great. I can see the tummy feathers too. It's fabulous. My boy will bring tears to my eyes with his new plumage. :) I'll keep posting the updates here weekly so there can be a progress thread.













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I know other greys who do the nudist thing then grow beautiful feathers only to remove them all again months later. There must be a trigger for this repetitive behavior perhaps breeding hormones, dry skin, stress, who knows, will hope that Issac does not repeat now he is into looking good.

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