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Isaac Update: Feathers Coming Back


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Timber is a very picky eater. One thing I've found he will eat is this http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=8451 He likes the Mundo Brazil. I ordered the assortment pack first to determine which, if any, he would eat. He will pick at all of them but consistently eats the Mundo Brazil. He would not eat the soak and serve, though I tried. This mix is the one I can successfully add red palm oil, hemp seed, and chia seed to and he will eat them in it.


Nice....I got the variety pack on order so we can begin trying some of these choices with Isaac. Man...I have sooo many things coming for my baby this week...something has gotta work. After work today...I am going to peruse the isles at the store for other ideas.


I would like to mix some stuff up for him, but I don't want to put so much stuff in that it is overwhelming for him. Gotta find a balance for my little boy and enough stuff to keep it interesting for him. I have been giving him pretty much the same kind of veggies each day which can include carrots, broccoli, apple, corn slice, sometimes yellow squash or a pepper. He gets the occasional scrambled egg, whole grain pasta with red palm oil.

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Your number one goal of a healthy happy parrot is already in fruition. As you make changes, it may be months ahead before you see change that may or may not be directly related. It's like being on a diet, it's not for the short term to get a result on the scales, it's for the long term twenty years ahead. You have lots of time. Also, with both my parrots, after a severe wing clip coming in, or Gilbert's nervous habits, sometimes it takes a year or more for full feather form to come back with a natural cycle. There could be a host of changes going o. With your little buddy. It could be partially a natural molt that coincided with your initial illness and with all his hormones blazing your little guy wasn't sure which end was up. He is certain to benefit from healthy eating choices regardless. I found that I naturally have trimmed off a few pounds just because our household went to whole grains and of course eating all this veggies in the fridge that weren't quite up to "parrot standards". Hahaha, I use that for an excuse to coerce hubby into eating them anyway and his feathers are shiny and lively now. Take it all with a grain of salt, you and Isaac are the best team ever.

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Your number one goal of a healthy happy parrot is already in fruition. As you make changes, it may be months ahead before you see change that may or may not be directly related. It's like being on a diet, it's not for the short term to get a result on the scales, it's for the long term twenty years ahead. You have lots of time. Also, with both my parrots, after a severe wing clip coming in, or Gilbert's nervous habits, sometimes it takes a year or more for full feather form to come back with a natural cycle. There could be a host of changes going o. With your little buddy. It could be partially a natural molt that coincided with your initial illness and with all his hormones blazing your little guy wasn't sure which end was up. He is certain to benefit from healthy eating choices regardless. I found that I naturally have trimmed off a few pounds just because our household went to whole grains and of course eating all this veggies in the fridge that weren't quite up to "parrot standards". Hahaha, I use that for an excuse to coerce hubby into eating them anyway and his feathers are shiny and lively now. Take it all with a grain of salt, you and Isaac are the best team ever.


No need to worry...all this is well understood. Isaac isn't going anywhere. The only front to take with this kind of issue is to do as much good as you can. Yep...could have hormones...so doing my best not to make him excited in any way with inappropriate cuddling. Yes...he may be in the middle of a molt...it has been a few since I have seen any pin feathers...but I am starting to see evidence around his neck area again. I am totally under the impression that it will take a lot of time. I don't expect to see much this year even. I really don't know what to expect....and I think that is the best way to proceed. You can bet one thing. Isaac is a really happy bird. He tells me all the time in his own ways. We'll get him fit as a fiddle and hold him that way once we find the foods he can cycle through. Cheers!

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I found that I naturally have trimmed off a few pounds just because our household went to whole grains and of course eating all this veggies in the fridge that weren't quite up to "parrot standards". Hahaha, I use that for an excuse to coerce hubby into eating them anyway and his feathers are shiny and lively now.



That's funny, we have the same 'standards' in our house. I take it to the next level though, if good food gets thrown on the floor, I'll eat it, but I won't let any of my parrots eat it.

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That's funny, we have the same 'standards' in our house. I take it to the next level though, if good food gets thrown on the floor, I'll eat it, but I won't let any of my parrots eat it.


This is too funny. I thought I was the only nut that did that. Their food is prepared using aseptic technique (Nancy will appreciate that term ... ;) ) and on cutting boards that have been sterilized in the dishwasher. If a piece falls off onto the counter, it's unusable for birds so mama eats it. I am not so sure about the floor. Maybe if I washed it first, but the dogs lick the floor if something falls that they find especially tasty. Maybe the day after the steam mopping.... hahaha.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well...my little guy has them sprouting all over again. Coming in under the wings this time too. He has been on his new diet for a bit and has had all no-no foods removed from the diet. He is getting baths regularly and I am using the 'Pluck No More' stuff now in his water and showers. He has got the best chances now. I have not seen a plucked feather yet since they have been coming back...and I see around 10-15 feathers grown out on his tummy. It really is looking good. Just an update. This could be the time folks!

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Sounds great! Just for extra insurance have you tried REAL sunlight? I think it makes a difference. :)


On a few weekends, I have gotten him out in the real sunlight. He will get more time out there as time goes on. I am just taking it slow cause a lot has changed over the last month. He also has a sun lamp on him all day. I am outfitting a cage for outdoors and that should make time out there a bit better.

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Awwww, this is so cool. :cool: Understand about you not wanting to jinx it. Your beloved Isaac is SO loved. If love could fix it, he would be one of the fluffiest guys out there, that's for sure. It does sound as if the improved nutrition, the light, the feather spray, with an extra dash of love is doing the trick. You're probably already giving him a bit more fat and protein to ensure that there is enough to go around for all of the new feathers coming in. You are such a great parront, and I truly love it when you post an update on your wonderful guy!

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That's the plan for Isaac, to give him all the good things that keep Stephen hopping. You will be cooking all this good stuff, eating along with him and both of you will be in fine feathers. In all seriousness though, you and Isaac have always been a bonded pair. Your life together is inspirational. I am in your cheering section. You are doing well. If pin feathers were $1000 bills, I am wishing for you to be a billionaire.

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Ohhh man....perfect. I am going to order one of those little foraging cages....and I like the veggie mix idea. I might have to try a couple times before he digs in....he is used to being spoiled a bit I am sure. I used to try making Isaac birdie bread a la corn bread with chopped veggies mixed in....it was so-so....easy to try again though.


Anyway....while typing this...I ordered the little bird foraging cage.....the birdie bread....and a birdie cookbook called Flourish to Nourish. :) I will try to steam some sweet potatoes for him tonight...I found how to do this as well.


I bake our sweet potatoes. I do it in a pan because they tend to 'seep' and the juice that leaks out is sugary and carbonizes if it hits the oven floor and is VERY hard to clean up. Just stab them top and bottom with a fork a few times and pop them in a baking dish or 13x9 cake pan. I add a little water to prevent that aforementioned carbon problem. 350 degrees and time will vary from twenty five minutes to half an hour for a smallish one to 45 minutes to an hour for the really huge ones. You can tell when they are done by how mushy they are. Just split the skin and scoop out the cooked sweet potato. I serve ours mashed or put them in the mixer and add red palm fruit oil and different nuts, seeds and spices to make crackers in the dehydrator. I love sweet potatoes!

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Well...my little guy has them sprouting all over again. Coming in under the wings this time too. He has been on his new diet for a bit and has had all no-no foods removed from the diet. He is getting baths regularly and I am using the 'Pluck No More' stuff now in his water and showers. He has got the best chances now. I have not seen a plucked feather yet since they have been coming back...and I see around 10-15 feathers grown out on his tummy. It really is looking good. Just an update. This could be the time folks!


I am praying that it is!!!

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(Whispers) He's still doing really good. Shhhh.... I don't want him to hear me say. ;)


Actually, I tell him how proud I am of him every day. I am also careful not to touch him other than on his little head and neck scratches. Go lil boy.

Edited by Elvenking
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  • 4 weeks later...
THis is great news...can't wait for the pics. Now to figure out what the solution was. I know you tried several remedies.


I am under the impression it was either vitamin D deficiency and\or having the milk from my cereal. He had also never had baths or showers regularly. These I would guess are contributors...but my money is on sunlight.

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YAY!!!! This post just made my day! Your sweet Isaac is rocking and rolling, and so are you. I agree, what a greyt Dad you are! Not to say that others who have birds who pluck are not good caretakers. I'm simply applauding your unflagging troubleshooting until you hit on something that worked for your special guy. You'll have some great suggestions for any of us to whom this happens in the future. Thanks, especially for sharing the ups and downs of your feelings while you and Isaac were working on this. {{{HUGS}}} to you both. (Yes, I'm a hugger, and proud of it!) :D

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You and others have given great credence to the value of sunshine. We are working to make it a daily commitment as well. Congrats to Isaac for overcoming his urge to give in to the itch for chewing his new pin feathers. You really worked together to understand his unique experience. Kudos Dad.

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