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Isaac Update: Feathers Coming Back


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Ever since I have taken the cover off the front of Isaac's cage when he sleeps. The tummy is being left alone. Feathers are blooming and it's more full than it has been since last December when he first tore it up. He's looking good. He may be going through a molt at the same time, cause I see the odd feather from random locations of his body from time to time...but preening habits look very healthy. No more feathers than I would see from before this whole ordeal. More good pix to come.

Edited by Elvenking
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I think Isaac will enjoy not being covered! He is growing up! Nancy


I think he does. I thought about this a bit. When I had my appendicitis...I woke up in the middle of the night...literally dying in the bathroom...Isaac was of course covered. It must have scared him because after that, I was gone for a couple days. Maybe he wonders about the sounds he hears when he is covered. He does seem happier not covered.

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I notice, come to think of it, that when I cover Wilbur's cage that it kinda freaks him out. I usually cover his cage when we stay up late and the lights are on, so he can rest without the light shinning in his eyes. I often wondered why he would freak out like that and I got to thinking maybe (IF) he was caught in the wild in Africa that maybe the captors covered the cage causing him stress. Might just be my imagination going wild cause he might have been born in captivity, not sure, but I just thought? Maybe? I don't cover him anymore because of this... I don't mean to seen crazy, of pesty asking all the questions and commenting on stuff alot but im trying to learn as I go :)...

What about trying the rescue remedy that seems to have helped Miss Gilbert? Is his cage in a place where you have to cover it? Maybe something about the covering is bothering him. Is he getting a full nights sleep?
Edited by Bigwick70
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You are making me think of some things about cage placement and covering. Our greys especially do not like unpredictable surprises. Isaac may have been fine with being cover for the first couple of years and then when Daddy was sick, someone else was in his home and he may have first come to realize that not every familiar sound is Stephen. He may have matured to this thinking on his own without a stressor eventually and have gotten to the same conclusion. Whatever the root cause I agree with Sterling was spot on that Stephen is a dedicated bird whisperer for patiently finding solutions to bringing Isaac back to his glorious full feathered beauty. Well done Stephen, as always your relationship is inspirational.

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So happy Isaac is enjoying no covering! You are an excellent daddy! You are " thinking like a bird!"( or just a very good parent!) My bird trimmer that has helped me for so many years, asked me " why are you covering Sophie's cage?" She is not a baby!( adopted at age two). I first tried just covering the back of her cage to make sure she was ok with it. She was. Upon furthur investigation regarding covering cage, it is suggested to do so while a baby. It is to make them feel safe. As they are more comfortable, and want to have their " beak" in everyone's business,it doesn't help them. Sophie has her beak in everyone's business including our dog and Sunny! She enjoys not being covered.

When I walk down the stairs in the morning, her foot is up in a " warning mode". When she see's its me, she relaxes. I think if it was a burglar, and said hi to her, she would ask to be picked up! Thank God for Sunny, my little guy! He WOULD attack a burglar! Nancy

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I am trying...his tummy is looking really good lately. Over the weekend I did see a few feathers popping off, but I am not so sure he isn't molting right now at the same time. Tons of those white downy feathers coming in under his feathers. We'll keep an eye on him. He's doing good.

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I am trying...his tummy is looking really good lately. Over the weekend I did see a few feathers popping off, but I am not so sure he isn't molting right now at the same time. Tons of those white downy feathers coming in under his feathers. We'll keep an eye on him. He's doing good.


So glad he's doing better! I hope that continues.


I started work again (I teach CNA classes) and for a week was helping another teacher waiting for my own class to start. (Thankfully it was cancelled for lack of registrations). She'd been doing fine, no plucking, and as soon as I started working, it started again and she's got a bald area on the front of her throat, another on her tummy and patches on both sides of her back. So frustrating but now I am almost 100% sure this is all behavioral as every single time it has been tied to my job (me having less time to spend with her).

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So glad he's doing better! I hope that continues.


I started work again (I teach CNA classes) and for a week was helping another teacher waiting for my own class to start. (Thankfully it was cancelled for lack of registrations). She'd been doing fine, no plucking, and as soon as I started working, it started again and she's got a bald area on the front of her throat, another on her tummy and patches on both sides of her back. So frustrating but now I am almost 100% sure this is all behavioral as every single time it has been tied to my job (me having less time to spend with her).


Yeah, I wouldn't know what to do at that point. You have to do what you have to do.


Isaac is doing pretty good, but I still don't know if I will ever see a whole bird again though. I see a couple getting popped off here and there. Along with a new batch coming in now. Kind of like 2 steps forward and one back here and there. I am doing all I can so if that doesn't do it..who knows. Then if I ever have to go away or something, I am thinking he will pluck again as well. What am I to do at that point. I wouldn't mind seeing him whole again though. We'll see what I get for Christmas this year....but all I want is a fully feathered birdie! LOL. I have done all I can do at this point. He has been leaving the tummy feathers alone though. I can't tell if he is molting, but I see the primary feathers getting replaced now. Tons of the white fluffy feathers coming in. I see many pins too. We'll see



On the plus side....he clicks like a chicken now. Baawwwwkk...bawk..bawk...bawk....baaaaawwwkkk. I do that when I make oven baked chicken for us. He loves it. I awoke from an afternoon nap the other day...heard him doing it...love it.

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I know what I'd do at this point: a fashionable parrot sweater, with some buttons on it for picking at. I keep seeing pics of birds with hoodies and GreycieMae keeps getting threatened that all I need is an excuse to start playing dress up with my birdy.



Yyyyyeeaaahh. I kind of like my fingers where they are. Ha! Not a soul in this world would get something like that on Isaac.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well here is the last update you'll see regarding this. He still picks. He wants to pick. I cannot stop it. No pictures to be seen of my boy anymore. At least I don't have to worry about him plucking, he is gonna do it. Thanks for all the help guys, but it was all for naught. On with life. It's gotta be a habit and I have no way of breaking it. I already donate the majority of free time to my boy, and if that doesn't do it...I mean...what will. I came home this afternoon and his water dish was filled with about 20 feathers broken up. This was unlike any other day, he hasn't plucked many like that in a long time.


I just got done buying him 75 bucks worth of new toys after that. I seem to never give up, but I think I have a plucker for life.

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My first Grey is a lifetime plucker. I told GreycieMae earlier today, when I saw a post about a female that plucks unless she gets to nest, if you start plucking be aware that you will get a whole new wardrobe of cute little birdy suits to wear. All I need is an excuse to start dressing her up.

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Well here is the last update you'll see regarding this. He still picks. He wants to pick. I cannot stop it. No pictures to be seen of my boy anymore. At least I don't have to worry about him plucking, he is gonna do it. Thanks for all the help guys, but it was all for naught. On with life. It's gotta be a habit and I have no way of breaking it. I already donate the majority of free time to my boy, and if that doesn't do it...I mean...what will. I came home this afternoon and his water dish was filled with about 20 feathers broken up. This was unlike any other day, he hasn't plucked many like that in a long time.


I just got done buying him 75 bucks worth of new toys after that. I seem to never give up, but I think I have a plucker for life.


Kizzy had a plucking incident at the same time as Jeff's and your dear one. It started with his molt, and Kizzy seemed to enjoy chewing his feathers. For a while, he was very fluffy. And he took great pride in being fluffy. His feathers are growing in, with some areas still fluffy. I did find a toy that he likes- it is a feather toy. It has beads that he loves to pull from the feathers- the beads can be replaced very easily. He hangs from it and has a great time. You mentioned that you buy toys, maybe this one will help him as much as it did Kizzy. http://www.mysafebirdstore.com/product.cgi?group=21066&product=21072

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Kizzy had a plucking incident at the same time as Jeff's and your dear one. It started with his molt, and Kizzy seemed to enjoy chewing his feathers. For a while, he was very fluffy. And he took great pride in being fluffy. His feathers are growing in, with some areas still fluffy. I did find a toy that he likes- it is a feather toy. It has beads that he loves to pull from the feathers- the beads can be replaced very easily. He hangs from it and has a great time. You mentioned that you buy toys, maybe this one will help him as much as it did Kizzy. http://www.mysafebirdstore.com/product.cgi?group=21066&product=21072


That's a good suggestion. I may have to order one of those for Isaac. Thank you! I was kissing my little guy tonight on his fuzzy tummy.

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I am joining your club Elvenking. My boy Bongo started plucking also. Right now he looks like he is wearing a boa, lol. My first thought was that he felt different than the others since he is 2 of 9 that are not naked, and wanted to look like the rest. It seems though that a crock bowl was his trigger. He was dumping his bowls so I put a heavy crock in and bam, the plucking began. (he was also lacking shredding toys but that wasn't the reason I have found out) I put in toys and removed the bowl and all was good for a week then one night my hubby was changing the water and he dumped it 3 x's on him so Pat put the crock in again. The next morning there were feathers on the bottom. I removed the bowl later that day and all has been okay again, just a few here and there. Now I can't say 100% that this is over but my hopes are high. Last night he dumped his water when Pat was changing it again so he moved the bowls around on Bongo, we will see tonight how that went over. Don't give up! As much as it hurts us to think about, what about a cone to break the habit? It would just be for a short time and if it works yeah? Cotay use to wear one with her previous owner and as soon as it was removed she picked again so we decided not to do that to her but it could work for you. If Bongo keeps it up, I have thought we would for him since it is so new for him to pluck, break the habit before it becomes one.

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I am joining your club Elvenking. My boy Bongo started plucking also. Right now he looks like he is wearing a boa, lol. My first thought was that he felt different than the others since he is 2 of 9 that are not naked, and wanted to look like the rest. It seems though that a crock bowl was his trigger. He was dumping his bowls so I put a heavy crock in and bam, the plucking began. (he was also lacking shredding toys but that wasn't the reason I have found out) I put in toys and removed the bowl and all was good for a week then one night my hubby was changing the water and he dumped it 3 x's on him so Pat put the crock in again. The next morning there were feathers on the bottom. I removed the bowl later that day and all has been okay again, just a few here and there. Now I can't say 100% that this is over but my hopes are high. Last night he dumped his water when Pat was changing it again so he moved the bowls around on Bongo, we will see tonight how that went over. Don't give up! As much as it hurts us to think about, what about a cone to break the habit? It would just be for a short time and if it works yeah? Cotay use to wear one with her previous owner and as soon as it was removed she picked again so we decided not to do that to her but it could work for you. If Bongo keeps it up, I have thought we would for him since it is so new for him to pluck, break the habit before it becomes one.


I think that once they do it, they do it for life. He can't wear a cone forever. I'll probably have to leave him for more than a day at some point and he will just rip himself apart then. He is just going to do it at any time he feels like it is the thing to do. It's a habit for sure. His whole back was all together fine, then he started picking a little around those protruding bones of the wings. But it is mostly confined to the tummy. I can't do anything else without a good reason, and right now...there are none. It's something I will likely never figure out. Been happening for close to 11 months now. We'll have to see if he even plays with the new toys I got him for his cage. He hasn't really touched toys in a long time as well. I think he may just sit there and wait for me all day which is a heart-wrenching prospect as well. But we'll see. He mainly plays when I am home. And it's with large plastic containers that he likes to chew up. Then he does preen a lot too. Mostly properly. But every once in a while....and often enough for sure.....pluck...pluck...pluck.

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I can feel the disappointment and defeat in your posts. Greys are much more intuitive than most people so I believe Issac feels it much more than me. Relax and be your old self as much as humanly possible. I feel Issac isn't sure you are coming home. This plucking started when you went to the hospital if I understand. So tell Issac that you will be back. When I go to the store for off for the morning or afternoon, I always tell my gang that I will be back that I am going to the store or whatever. Talk to Issac let him know what is going on and how you are feeling. Please do not give up on his coming around. Be strong and don't give up, you are all that Issac has so be a good example and encouraging. Your relationship with Issac has always made me envious so be strong, encouraging and hopeful and perhaps so will Issac.

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