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Isaac Update: Feathers Coming Back


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Issac looks beautiful! I agree with Greywings... document his progress. Sean and I were cleaning our birds cage together the other day. Noticed tons of dander from Sophie. Unusual. We both said " woah" at the same time. A little heavy for just a few days. Her feathers look great, but we tend to miss the signs of molting! I told Sean, " I think she is molting!" He responded, " So what do we do different?" She rules us and we always meet her needs. I'm not sure what we should do differently! Nancy

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No spritzing, no alovera for Sophie. We have done it all! A shower once a month with lots of empathy. Her feathers are perfect, she showers with me knowing it needs to get done. ( she does like a blowdry during the winter, even though I know it will dry her out). Hasn't been an issue. She seems fine, but I wish she wouldn't think of water like the wicked witch of the West... " I'm melting... I'm melting! Thats what she thinks of water. Nancy

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After a big stress last year with an illness with a close family member, once I was home and long past the crisis, my hair fell out too. Isaac would have been so stressed to see you sick and you both are on the upswing now. Those feathers sure look like they are coming back fast, easy for me to say from "time lapse" photos. You and Isaac are a great team and you have a great group of cheerleaders behind you. Go Isaac!

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Perry my 15 month old male Cag started molting a lot and getting new blood and pin feathers growing in about three weeks ago, when I showered him yesterday I noticed when he was soaked his chest along his keel bone was getting thin,could this be the molt or pluck? I dont see any reason why he would start to pluck as he is very content and does many trick and I am even now home all day with him for last three months laid off my job. He said his first clear works three days ago! so I am so jazzed. Anyone experience this or advice, Brent

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Week 3


Okay...so here is the third update on my little boy. I would say he is between the 30-40% fill range this week. They are poppin out all over his cute little body. I get so excited to see them coming in he probably wonders what all the fuss is aroud him. I am sure he loves the attention cause he is very chirpy! :) Anyway...check him out. He's doing good!










Go Isaac my little boyeeee!

Edited by Elvenking
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Perry my 15 month old male Cag started molting a lot and getting new blood and pin feathers growing in about three weeks ago, when I showered him yesterday I noticed when he was soaked his chest along his keel bone was getting thin,could this be the molt or pluck? I dont see any reason why he would start to pluck as he is very content and does many trick and I am even now home all day with him for last three months laid off my job. He said his first clear works three days ago! so I am so jazzed. Anyone experience this or advice, Brent


The skin right over the keel is very thin in general as I know it. Depending on how you Grey is positioned, it may appear stretched thinner. If it is something that is a definite change in his appearance, then see if you can catch some photos of him. In addition...there is a definite "part" in the feathers down the middle of the keel where they do not grow. Kind of a like a part in a human head of hair. That is totally normal and I always see it on Isaac when he fluffs out.

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Oh Isaac, you handsome prince. He is looking good Stephen. His transformation is coming along at a good pace and he doesn't seem to be doing any damage to his new feathers. Its amazing how quickly he is regrowing his beautiful outerwear. I really appreciate your methodical updates week by week. You can really see the progress. That has to help ease your mind that this was a one-off kind of stress reaction and he is healing on the outside as you are healing on the inside. Hope you are feeling back at the top of your game too.

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Oh Isaac, you handsome prince. He is looking good Stephen. His transformation is coming along at a good pace and he doesn't seem to be doing any damage to his new feathers. Its amazing how quickly he is regrowing his beautiful outerwear. I really appreciate your methodical updates week by week. You can really see the progress. That has to help ease your mind that this was a one-off kind of stress reaction and he is healing on the outside as you are healing on the inside. Hope you are feeling back at the top of your game too.


Yeah...I was prepared to see him without feathers indefinitely, I wasn't sure if it was a new habit or what. Seeing them come back is quite a wonderful thing. I am pretty sure when I see him all back together, I'll probably tear up pretty good. We go through everything together...LOL. We'll see how long it takes for them all to come back.

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Perry my 15 month old male Cag started molting a lot and getting new blood and pin feathers growing in about three weeks ago, when I showered him yesterday I noticed when he was soaked his chest along his keel bone was getting thin,could this be the molt or pluck? I dont see any reason why he would start to pluck as he is very content and does many trick and I am even now home all day with him for last three months laid off my job. He said his first clear works three days ago! so I am so jazzed. Anyone experience this or advice, Brent


Brent, it's a good idea if you start your own thread so that people can answer your question directly.

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Looking good. He does look a little fed up with the camera in the third picture lol.


I thought the same thing: "how many of these pics you gonna need there boss?" haaahaaa.....


He's such a cutie even without his proper feathers. I always love seeing their downy feathers. Makes me wanna squeeze them (and get bit ).

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Isaac does sort of look like a punk rocker these days -- Elvenking, did you spread those downy feathers a bit to check for tattoos? :D :D So glad your best buddy keeps improving in the feather department. He's certainly well on his way back!

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Week 4


Okay all...here we go with week 4. I saw 3 or 4 of his tummy feathers looked a little tattered, but it seems to be accidental if anything. Maybe the influx of feathers slowed down, but he's still goin strong. His back is filling in a bit better but not a huge of a jump as the last two weeks. Maybe it's getting harder to tell. He's a good boy.








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Each new feather looks pristine and perfect. He may "worry" one or two but it has to be a little distracting to him to have new sheath feathers, pinfeathers and changes to his plumage. He is a beautiful, patient boy. He really is coming along wonderfully and looking ever more his handsome self.

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