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New Foster Coming


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Well, I just found out that my next foster will be another African bird, although, not a Grey. :) I will actually have a Meyer's Parrot coming. I'm curious to see how Mazi reacts after always being an only bird, her entire life (almost 13yrs). The new one (sorry I don't have any details yet) will have been vetted and gone through quarantine before coming here. He/She will have his/her own cage and I will have the cage in another room. Since Mazi travels the house with me throughout the day, she'll get to see and hear the new one. We'll see how she does. I was hoping to talk to others with Meyers, but the other birds section doesn't have a section for this little one. :) This will be my first. I've worked with a Senegal, and, from my understanding, they're very similar although a little less temperamental (the one I fostered was a total sweetheart) and not quite as one-person oriented. I'm not concerned, since I've worked with many from the budgie up to the Macaw, but I am excited. LOL I have a little time, though, because the new bird won't be picked up until the first part of April and then will have to go through the process before coming here. :) Just wanted to share.



Mazi - CAG

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Congratulations on your new foster. I have no experience with Meyers, but I did a lot of research on different parrot species before I decided on a Grey, and I seriously considered getting one of the POIs. Meyers have a really good reputation as companion birds, and I'm sure you will enjoy the experience. Best wishes on the new leg if the journey.

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Congratulations on your new foster. I have no experience with Meyers, but I did a lot of research on different parrot species before I decided on a Grey, and I seriously considered getting one of the POIs. Meyers have a really good reputation as companion birds, and I'm sure you will enjoy the experience. Best wishes on the new leg if the journey.


Thank you! That's what I had read. My daughter loves birds, but Mazi is definitely a one-person girl. I'm hoping that maybe my daughter will get to experience the companionship and can help with the foster. She likes to make bird toys and would love to do more (supervised, of course). We shall see! ?

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