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Glass-break detector


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Our home security system includes a glass-break detector. If someone were to break a window, the security alarm sounds. Once by accident my parrot made a scream that was in the detector's range and set the alarm off. Of course this required me to run to the control box and shut the alarm off. The control box is in visual range of my bird's cage. She did this again the following week. Then she did this three times the next week. By yesterday she was able to hit the note each time she tried. I had to disable the glass-break sensor because it became totally useless. Once the sensor was disabled my bird would screech, then mimic the alarm that she expected to hear. Beautiful learned a great way to make me run to her. Operant conditioning is working against me.:)

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Oh my! What a funny story!! I have glass breaking sensors as well. My alarm company recommended not putting them in the bird room, so I only have them where I have walls of windows. I put motion sensors elsewhere. One day, I couldn't get my amazon in her cage, so I left her out in the bird rom. Not thinking...I set the motion sensor and went out the door to go to work, I was just getting to the ramp on the highway when my alarm company called to tell me the motion sensor was going off and did I want to have them call the police....I said, "no, it is my parrot" They laughed, I turned the car around, went home and disarmed it and reset it for the doors & windows only..:)

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Corky has our telephone rings down pat.

If the phone rings and you answer it and it was her. She will laugh at you.

Than in about 5 minutes she will do it again.

If you tell her to stop it she will do the phone again and than laugh.

They can be little stinkers. Some times we call her butt head.

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OMG that's a funny story. It may beat my favourite Dorian story, which I haven't told for a good long while.


I was in our garage doing some organizing and my Dad came out and said "There you are. I thought you were in the basement" Turns out he'd been "talking" to me for the last half hour. He'd hit some button on the remote and made the TV snowy. Thinking I was in the basement he'd gone to the top of the stairs and yelled down "Marguerite, could you come up and fix this damn remote" "I" answered "Coming upstairs" He went back to the living room and sat down and waited. When I didn't appear he went back to the stairs and yelled for me again, and again "I' answered "Coming upstairs". The third time he was just at the stairs when he heard a power tool being used in the garage. He realized I was in the garage, and he'd been talking to the bird!!!

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This is so funny. Of course, I am not the one running to reset the alarm. We really need to have a thread for "Tricked Again". I love these kind of tricks. I've been tricked into responding to contact calls, but it wasn't the parrot, it was my husband. We both thought we were replying to Miss Gilbert.

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