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Outdoor Avairy Screen


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I have just hired a carpenter to screen in my back porch that has a roof already, framing, but was never finished. Has anyone ever heard of this product? It seems like this would be safer for my amazon than any other type of screen. Thoughts?

Although, it doesn't appear to be very see thru...and my outdoor aviary won't have any sun shining in it..:(




Pet Screen by Phifer








Edited by Talon
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I think you're making a good decision. We had our patio door screens replaced with the pet screen in your first post. It is great for standing up to the dogs jumping on it, but it is fairly dense for screen. (When I have my reading glasses on I can hardly see through it!). Good luck with your aviary!

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  • 3 months later...
Okay, after much research and the fact that my birds won't append a lot of time in the aviary, I have found this as being the best based on others who have an aviary. And it fits into my budget.







My son is preparing to build my outdoor aviary attached to the bird room and out the window. I understand this is the wire that would be a good choice. Help please.

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Yay!!! I'm very excited for you! Yes that I think is the best, I am putting window screen on the outside of y aviary, as we have an influx of bees and hornets this year, they occasionally fly in and I am worried about the getting stung, I think it would kill the being so small.

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Galvanized wire is not the same thing as "stainless." It WILL rust. The process of "galvanization" means coating the iron with ZINC. Zinc is VERY TOXIC to birds! Please read this




    Galvanized Wire - Galvanized metal which has been electroplated is safe, but galvanized wire (hot dipped) is not. According to Avian Medicine: Principles and Application by Ritchie, Harrison and Harrison, birds can ingest zinc from cages and clips made of galvanized wire. Toxicity can be reduced (but NOT eliminated) by scrubbing the wire with a brush and vinegar or a mild acidic solution. This removes any loose pieces and the white rust (zinc oxide) which forms on the wire. Over time more white rust which is also poisonous will form, so enclosures must be re-treated periodically. You can read more about galvanizing in Dan Radovich's article "Galvanized Wire and Zinc".
    Remember, that each bird is different. Some chew on their cages more than others and are thus more likely to ingest white rust. Bigger birds with more powerful beaks can break off pieces more easily than small birds. Most birds don't eat non-food items, but there are some who will. If you have birds in a large aviary with lots of branches or items to occupy them, they are much less likely to chew on the cage wire.
    Hardware cloth is a very poorly made form of galvanized wire and should never be used. If you examine it closely you will see pools of lead and zinc metal in the corners of each square of the mesh - an invitation to a curious bird. Although a bit more expensive, if you must use galvanized wire, purchase galvanized after welded wire, which has less pooling and should flake less."

Edited by chezron
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Yes, Chezron, Stainless Steel is the safest and best wire to use, but very few can afford it. I did a lot of research and there are many rescues and others that use GAW. Yes it contains zinc, but as I found and many will tell you, unless your bird is going to live it in, (mine don't) and you have birds that will hang on it and chew it or climb it a lot, there is little worry. Because of that fact, (Zinc) I made certain to fill my aviary with perches, boings, atoms, and play stands. It is literally overflowing so they have no reason to need to climb onto the wire. And my birds are never left unattended or for any length of time as I work. When I am home, I open the window going into my aviary and they are free to fly in the house as they please.


As for the rust, mine is attached to my house and there is an overhang, so little water ges to it, and it will take years to rust.

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