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This is a short introduction to myself and my partner Ausage and of course "Alexandra the Grey". Alexandra is 6 months old, a mottled red Congo Grey who came home from the breeders with us yesterday.


I have wanted a Grey companion for many years and finally we found the perfect bird in Alexandra.. We have been visiting her regularly at the breeder for a couple of months waiting for her to be weaned and flighted and ready to come home with us. We have watched her grow from a wobbly chick not able to stand on her own to taking her first flight two weeks ago. She loves to cuddle and is already developing a bond with me. As soon as I approach her, whether she is with Ausage, standing on a perch or in her cage she will leap onto me.


Here are a few pictures... (click to enlarge)





Edited by Caileigh
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Alexandra had her first shower ever today - the breeder had never given her one or even a spray mist, so we showed her how our other two conures liked it and then it was her turn - just a quick mist for her first time but she seemed ok with it since I was in the shower with her and as long I am around she seems willing to try anything at least once. Then a nice towel dry - she seemed to like that even though she's never been toweled before, but she loves cuddling so any kind of close snuggling seems ok with her. Then finally a gourmet supper of pellets, orange slices, nuts, and seeds. She's now sitting sleepily on her perch, chirping happily every once in a while. I'm in love.

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Congratulations, Caileigh, on your beautiful new companion. Alexandra is just lovely! I love the little blush on her face, and her pretty little feathers. They remind me of well placed sequins on a dress :) How great that she is flighted and really knowing herself as a bird. Of course you are in love, and it sounds as if she is too! :)

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Hello everyone. I am Caileigh's partner and the secondary human in Alexandra's new life.


I never understood why people kept birds as a pet until Caileigh and I purchased Blue Crowned Conure last year. I knew then that she wanted a Grey, but Caileigh didn't have the time available to bond with a young bird and quite frankly I was more than a little daunted by the idea of a large parrot, not to mention the "warnings" some research gave me about Greys. What a difference a few months can make. The Blue Crown bonded to me and spends half the day riding around on my shoulder; I have become a bird person with a Green Cheek Conure, a pair of Canaries and a flock of Finches added to our home; and Caileigh has had to take several months off work to give her the time to be the primary care-giver and bond with a bird. As soon as we saw Alexandra -- when she was six months old -- it was love at first sight and I started planning on how to re-arrange the furniture to accomodate a CAG in the living room.

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Hello Caileigh and Ausage and welcome to our family.

Alexandra is an adorable baby grey and so cute with her red factor feathers, be aware they may molt out but that doesn't change how precious she is. So glad you got to realize your dream of being owned by of these magnificient creatures and no doubt she has wormed her way into your heart and home, its only just begun and how sweet it is.

Thanks so much for including some pictures of her in your intro post and its good to see that both of you are involved in this new addition to the flock and family.

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How beautiful is Alexandra! So excited to have someone a close as Toronto on the forum. I'm in Lindsay, so only a little over an hour away. I know about people not "getting" having birds. I've been on the receiving end of some really tactless behaviour from people who don't get how these guys wrap their talons around our hearts. Glad she responded well to the shower. So much of our birds here hate getting wet.

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It's been 3 days now and Alexandra is starting to settle in. Here are a couple of pics of Alexandra on her perch next to Caileigh's desk. You can see her cage right behind her with the turtle tanks off to one side and in the background.




Yesterday evening we had a stand-off between the cat and Alexandra with the cat sitting on top of the easy chair on the other side of the cage staring at the new bird and Alexandra sitting on her perch glaring at the cat all puffed up and making the most aweful screech.


Today Caileigh was trying to teach the bird to say "Back OFF!!" to the cat... :)


Is it normal for a 6 month old parrot to be quite clumsy? Alexandra is starting to catch on to "Step Up" and is comfortable riding a shoulder (with the occassion slide down your back). However she is very awkward trying to move from perch to perch in her cage and has taken a couple of falls.


For now we have given her a finch size flight cage (30"x16"x16") as a "sleeping cage" at night in our "bird room" which keeps her away from the cat and safe from falls.


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I've never had a baby bird, but from reading on here it's not abnormal to be a little clumsy. If you're really worried about her falling, keep her perches rather low for now, and put old towels in the bottom of the cage, or anywhere else she might fall to, to cushing a fall. You can move things up as she gets more sure of herself.

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Alexandra is very beautiful! As she continues to grow, and if you give her plenty of opportunity to learn that her wings belong to her and that she can use them, she will become more graceful.


You mentioned the turtle tanks. Be very vigilant about washing your hands after handing the turtles and/or cleaning their tanks before doing anything that has to do with Alexandra's cage, food, or her in order to avoid any potential transfer of salmonella to Alexandra which could be deadly to her. You're no doubt already aware of the potential, but thought I'd mention it just in case.


Thanks for sharing the photos of your beautiful companion. I can't wait to hear all about your continued adventures together. :)

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Thanks for the advice Inara. Yes, we are very aware of the "salmonella risk" of handling reptiles. For those who are un-aware turtle, infact most retiles, can carry salmonella bacteria on their skin/shell. The risk to humans is about the same as handling raw chicken and following the same hygene procedures as used in the kitchen when handing animals is recommended. Turtles have a bad reputation because many uninformed people buy a $10 Red Eared Slider at a flea market for a young child who promptly puts it into his or her mouth.


Our biggest concern with the turtle tanks -- we 12 in the living room right now, ranging from a small 20 gal tank for a hatchling to a 180 gal community habitat -- is that many of the tanks are not covered (drowning risk) and all have a high intensity basking lamp (heat risk). This is the main reason we had Alexandra's wings clipped just before we brought her home. She can glide and fly a short hop but not fly uncontrolled around the house. When she molts we plan to let her become fully flighted, after she has become acquainted with us, knows the apartment layout, learned to "come", and is somewhat aware of the dangers present -- turtle tanks, cat, dog, kitchen, etc.

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