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New Side of Gracie


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My CAG Gracie is two and a half years old and still evolving and changing. When I was on jury duty and away from home more and feeling some stress, Gracie began to fly to me and perch on me to comfort me. For many of you, that would seem normal and daily, but Gracie has never been tactile. She won't let me scritch her or touch her aside from step ups. But suddenly she wanted to be close--physically close. That is soooo huge for us. Tonight she kept flying in my direction hovering lower and lower. I sat up on the couch and invited her to "come see Daddy". She flew to me and landed on my head--she seems to only trust my head as a landing strip. I guess she can grab my hair for balance. Anyway--upon invitation--she flew to my head and then stepped up on my wrist. For the next 30 minutes she just sat with me. Sometimes she chewed the buttons on my shirt. Sometimes she preened the hair on my chest. She pooped on me twice and both times we went together to the kitchen to clean up. She never flew off. She just hung with me. During that time, she stretched and preened and almost fell asleep. But she didn't fly off. She wanted to be close--actually perched on me. That has never ever happened. I am over the moon. I could tell she was nervous at times--unfamiliar with being with me on the couch and seeing new sights. She actually saw TV for the first time. I could tell she was quite interested in the musical act preforming on Ellen (she can't see TV from where her cage and perches are located). It was so precious. I felt like we took a huge step in our relationship. I used to think that Gracie would forever be "hands off", but I am reconsidering that. She reached out and took her time, but I believe someday I will be able to cuddle her. It may be years, but I think that the sky is the limit. I am really happy.

Edited by JeffNOK
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JeffNOK... Greys are extremely empathetic! Its OKAY to let Gracie know you need her support! You can't always be her " rock!" She sometimes needs to be your " rock", and boy, can she deliver! While Zoey my pup is in the hospital, I got home at eleven this eve. I soooo wanted to wake Sophie up as I need her support. She will flipout tomorrow when she sees Zoey is missing and she is going to FREAK! I will become emotional, and I know Sophie will understand. I don't hide my emotions, nor does she. I can already see what is going to happen. All birds and Ollie are going to get quiet. Noone is going to eat, sing or talk, until I give them a happy update. I hope I can give them that Nancy

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JeffNOK... Greys are extremely empathetic! Its OKAY to let Gracie know you need her support! You can't always be her " rock!" She sometimes needs to be your " rock", and boy, can she deliver! While Zoey my pup is in the hospital, I got home at eleven this eve. I soooo wanted to wake Sophie up as I need her support. She will flipout tomorrow when she sees Zoey is missing and she is going to FREAK! I will become emotional, and I know Sophie will understand. I don't hide my emotions, nor does she. I can already see what is going to happen. All birds and Ollie are going to get quiet. Noone is going to eat, sing or talk, until I give them a happy update. I hope I can give them that Nancy


I hope all is going okay on your end, Nancy. I know how much stress it is when the babies are sick.Warm thoughts and prayers are being sent your way.

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That is absolutely great. I know how you must feel. Megan and I were not close. But she has been warming up to me since we lost Marden. I guess it is because when daddy is off traveling for work, she has no one else left to turn to. She has actually been flying to me - something she never used to do. She's landed on my head a couple times but doesn't stay there because I think she knows it makes me nervous. She has had this thing with my hair and has given me a couple of bites to the head when I have been bent over in the cage to clean something up before. Except for this Wednesday, she's been extremely gentle towards me. Wednesday must have just been "Bite Mama" day here, I guess.


Hopefully Gracie will continue to want to be close and get cuddly. Best wishes!

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Gracie is such a treasure. I think her attention to you is giving you a reminder that although the trial was a stressful time, the bad news gets headlines and the really good stuff that is in our life is quietly and gently keeps us steady. Regardless of the catalyst for change, Gracie is enjoying your closeness and having her world brought back to Daddy time. I am so happy for both of you.

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Reading between the lines in your original post, I suspect that this new behavior of Gracie's might have come at a time when light levels were low or maybe near the time she normally retires for the night. My 15 yr. old cag, who is not bonded to me, readily allows me to handle her (getting her out of her cage, transporting her from room to room etc...) but does not let me touch her below her head. She'll let me scratch her head 24/7 but don't think about touching her anywhere else. But when that Miller High Life sign grows dim, I'm her best buddy. I can touch her from head to tail and belly to back without fear of losing a digit. The transformation is amazing. My .02 cents, it's their roosting instincts. They want to be near others primairly for safety but probably for companionship also. So play her a love song, keep her glass full of whiskey, and if that high life sign grows dim, Wait, apply that elsewhere. Seriously, try working with her under low light conditions after her nomal bedtime. You might be surprised.

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Noticed same thing here. Our Greycie is most pliable around bed time. She's a cuddly bird to begin with but she really pours on the sugar around that time. It's the only time she'll reach up and hold my finger and softly nip. It's really sweet. Sometimes in the middle of the day she'll act like she doesn't even know me - weirdos they can be.

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Gracie is one of my favourites here, although I love everyone's fids, of course. It's just that you've been able to work with her right from the start and that's resulted in a smart, funny companion. Like raising a child in optimal conditions, you've allowed her to express and explore her full personality. All that, and now she wants physical contact too! You've won the birdy lottery my friend. :)

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Okay... I'll be the downer. Bedtime is something they never want to do. Make it fun for them, reading bedtime stories, but always sticking to a schedule. There is nothing " magical" about it. Greys turn on the charm, and its something they are good at. I also am susceptable to the charm... but it never changes the outcome! I have had Sophie long enough to understand her charming powers. I DO enjoy her turning on her charming powers, but it rarely gets her anywhere. She knows it... but she tries anyway. LOL! I truly love my amazing girl Nancy

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