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question when it comes to amount of fruits and veggies


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Just learning yesterday and today that Smokey really enjoys banana/bell pepper/apple/carrots. Now where I got him from they had him on a seed diet and i know thats not the greatest when it comes to mold and all, so im starting to ween him off that onto fresh items and this week im going to start him on pellets. My question when it comes to the fresh items how mush is just enough and not too much? or do i just dice up a mixture and put it in his bowl and let him eat til he is done then remove the bowl?


Thanks in advance


Geo and Smokey

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Smokey won't eat "too much" of the fresh food. I leave the fresh stuff in the bowl for a maximum of 3 hours then remove it. Glad he's eating so well! Remember also that fruit is high in sugar and should be fed in small amounts. I've seen more experienced members here say only a small piece of fruit a couple of times a week. The point is, heavy on the veggies and light on the fruit in your mix.

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Okay cool. So far he has only had a small and i mean small piece if banana and a small chuck of apple, i was afraid of the sugars, but eating peppers like they are going out of style.

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You can offer as much vegetables as he will eat with some fruit several times a week, you want to remove the fresh stuff after a couple of hours for it will spoil but do leave a good seed mix in one bowl and pellets in another bowl at all times for they will snack all day and maybe some at night. Peppers are a favorite of many greys and most love the hot ones, the heat doesn't bother them at all, most any leafy green vegetable is desirable.

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Fresh seed should not be a problem, junky seed that has been warehoused then on a store shelf can be problematic. We feed a mix of Seed, fresh veggies, some fruit, homemade birdy bread, egg, pasta and a bean grain and lentil mix that has been cooked. I believe that variety is the best choice!

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Welp I just learned something else. Smokey doesn't seem to like "green" veggies ie; green bells or jalapeno's. I went to hand him a jalapeno and wanted nothing to do with it, but had a yellow bell in my other hand and he went right after that..


Tell me if this is a good idea or not.... I wanted to take a few bells,carrots,and a jalapeno and cut them up into like a very chunky salsa to give him a variety all at once.. or should i just keep it one at a time? or doesn't it really matter?

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Many of us feed our birds a "chop" mix of different fruits & vegs. What they eat today, they may not eat tomorrow. And what they won't eat today, they may eat tomorrow. Offer him different things everyday. Chop them up, mash them up, cook them, serve them raw, make veggie kabobs, big pieces, small pieces, different combinations in different ways each time.

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