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Hi all, I have not posted much lately & have been trying to get some new videos of Biscotti. I just watched this and about died laughing! I did not know this happened until I watched it, I was in another room!

So glad my silly boy has a great sense of humor!

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Biscotti's sense of humor and comments are incredible. I loved that he still kept talking as he was making his way back across the top of his cage "made a big noise". Nothing makes me laugh like Biscotti. Hearing your sense of humor and comments from across the rooms its easy to know where Biscotti found his sense of joy and spirit in life. Thanks!

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I am so glad you all enjoyed Biscotti's sillyness! I am actually glad I did not see this happen, it would have scared me to death! I thought he had tossed something to the bottom of his cage when I heard him laugh and talk about making a big noise :) I thought it was so amazing that he was actually saying "whoa" as he was falling!

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Love Love Loved the video. It reminded me so much of Gracie my CAG at the start--she also loves to talk about carrots, corn and potatoes! When they fall it always freaks me out, but they always seem to climb back up unfazed--dignity in tact.

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