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I am currently toying with the idea of adding a grey into my household in the very far off future. Right now, I'm doing my research and seeing if a grey would be a good fit. Does anyone have any reccomendations for books or websites I could read through? Any information would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you!

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One item you might consider is








It's a very practical comprensive book covering many aspects of grey ownership.


You might have to purse this book at Borders or Barnes and Noble because many pet shops won't carry it because it slows the sales of many other lousy books that they sell. Other large book stores have it and if they don't have it, they will gladly order it for you.


Price is approx-------$10 to $12 depending upon where you get it.

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Another sugestion. Look through this forum. I gained alot of knowledge and suggestions here. Alot of bird brains and helpful friends here. Any qustion you have it might be answered. There is no such thing as a dumb question in this forum so ask away. Good luck. It ttok me like 5 years research just to make sure a grey is what I wanted to get into. I love it !!! No regrets ,, so far.

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Read as much as you can and ask a lot of questions. The last thing you want to do is go out and get a Grey and find out it's not the type of bird you want...do research on other parrots as well to see what others are like. I would site for hours googling African Grey and reading everything that came up. I will still do that and I'll read on other birds because down the line I plan on getting another parrot...I'm thinking Buffon's Macaw for me.

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Thank you all for the responses. I have been reading through all the threads on this forum as well as several other Grey forums I found on Google. I'm reading anything I can.


I don't want anyone to think I'm jumping into this lightly. I'm doing research ONLY now. I'd rather rehome books than a bird.

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I have Kale, my first chihuahua, he's a little more than 3 years old. He's my best friend and has been through EVERYTHING with me. He's a well traveled dog, he's been everywhere with me, LA, San Fran, Boston, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire. He's been more places than most people and has probably flown more. He's basically my life. He is named after Kasey Kahne's little brother, for whom I have a bit of a crush on. Kasey Kahne is a NASCAR driver incase anyone was wondering.


My second chihuahua/cow is Pirate. She's nuts. Seriously, she has some sort of issues.. She's a love but she NEVER stops. She's constantly going and is EVERYONE'S best friend. I've brought her into my office before and she just followed EVERYONE around. She's a little social butterfly, very non-chihuahua of her. Her name came to me in a dream, literally. I knew I was getting her and a couple weeks before I got her, I had a dream and in that dream, her name was Pirate. So it stuck.


And then the fish. Fishstick isn't much to talk about, he likes to build bubble nests and hang out next to a teddy bear i have next to his bowl. He got his name cuz I thought it was funny.


Lil Dude is pretty cool, he likes to watch America's Next Top Model and puff his face up at me when I look at him. His name was given when I first brought him home and was transferring him into his bowl from his little plastic cup. Well he was a little too excited and jumped out of the cup onto the kitchen counter. So I immediately freaked out and was trying to pick him up somehow, the whole time calling out 'don't die lil dude!!' So that's how he got his name.


They're both betta fishes that I purchased from Walmart. They are my miracle fishies as they have lived this long.. lol


See, told you I can talk more about my pets than I can myself. :)

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