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We just had a big moment here. I'd left Dorian on my desk happily tearing up paper while I quickly went to the kitchen to get a cup of tea. All of a sudden I hear wings and when I stepped into the room Dorian was on his cage. I think he just flew on purpose!!!!!!!!!! 99% of the time he flies it's because something has startled him into flight. I mean, a successful landing alone would be a cause for celebration, but I strongly suspect this was what he wanted to do. On a couple of occasions I have suspected it was on purpose but I have no way of knowing for sure, but I can't think of anything that might have startled him badly enough in the minute I was out of sight to cause him to fly. Of course I made a BIG deal of him when I came in, and he was shaking his little tail feathers happily. If he could just get the idea that these wings-things are meant to propel him around it would be a huge thing for him. He's my brave boy today!!!!

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WOW! Is right! What a great post to tune into! Isn't it just so cool when they realize that their wings actually belong to them and that they can *choose* to use them? Fantastic, and like Birdhouse, I've got an ear to ear grin just reading this!

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Big grin here. Hope you will remember your excitement when Dorian start flying around the house and REALLY gets into mischief! Very happy for your Big Bird!


Yeah, I know, be careful what you wish for right? It's just I've always been so sad for him that he never fledged. This new house would be great for flying

because the central room has a cathedral ceiling (without beams that he could perch on out of reach, thank goodness), and he would soon get his wind and not be so out of breath when he flies. All the windows have good screens, and I'm putting a screen door on the front door this summer. I'd love it if he could decide where he wants to hang out instead of having to rely on me. It's him calling me to come to him, or to come get him and bring him somewhere else, that earned him the nicknames 'bossy feathers' and 'demando'. I'd trade that for a self propelled fid any day.

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This thread is joyous. Way to go Dorian! It made me teary to read how far he has come in flight capability. Watching his progress must be incredible for you. If he did it on purpose he will be showing you more in the near future. He is your brave boy. I am going to tell Miss Gilbert all about it. Maybe she will be willing to try try again.

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While Dorian is on your arm, gently move him up and down so that his wings open and close. Make sure there is something soft for him to "fly" toward just in case he jumps off. Perhaps a sofa or bed. The purpose is to get him to use his wings so the moving him gently up and down will cause his wings to open and close. A little exercising if you will. Perhaps this will help him get the idea of flying.

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thats what I do with Marco too ^^^^ raise my arm up and down so she has to flap but she holds on for dear life lol. I had to try to toss her off my arm last nite with her death grip to fly from the doorway to her cage top. we are working on "landings" shes never really landed on one of us but she'll fly to her boing or cage and she usually flies into the kitchen and lands in/on the sink lol or the laundry basket a few times. Its great that Dorian took the chance and flew like that ... skies the limit now :D watch out!

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It took Pookie over a year but she learned to fly for the first time at 22 years old. I would take her to the bedroom and get her to flap on my wrist then gradually worked up to a gentle sort of toss off the wrist to the bed from about 2 ft. away and was able to slowly increase that to 4 ft.. Then she realized she could fly and uses that as she deems necessary. Celebrate those wings.

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Sophie was lucky our Amazon took pity on her inability to fly. Kiki taught her! Kiki could fly perfectly! Oneday Kiki flew out just a short distance and landed. Unusual for her. She was always " full throttle!". Sophie followed her. Kiki stopped several times waiting for Sophie. Once Sophie landed, Kiki took off again! I knew Kiki was trying to teach her! I watched in amazement and kept out of it. Within a week... I heard Kiki coming to see me, but it wasn't Kiki. It was Sophie. She had changed her flying habit completely! Her wing fluttering was just like Kiki.

As Kiki was our only baby ever, and she LOVED Sean and myself, we always practiced with her as a baby to learn to fly. One to send off, one to receive. I always sent off as she was more bonded with Sean. We learned quickly that she had minimal conception of space. Meaning... she would crash into windows and sliding doors. We put art deco in the windows and sliding doors to help her to identify her spaces. It worked!She became an awesome flier! Nancy

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I don't think I could do that with Dorian. He took 2 years to get to the point where he would perch on my hand and I can't break that trust. Today I tried a gentle up and down movement while he perched on my wrist, and he started trembling and wanted off right away. I had a heck of a time getting him back on to take him back to his cage. Sigh. All those people who poked and proded at him in his cage in the pet store and made him so afraid and distrusting of hands have a lot to answer for.

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Acappella.. Follow your instinct. You know, and understand your bird. You know what Dorian needs! It may take several years, but it is worth the time and effort. For Sophie, adopted at age two, with no issues, and starting terrible twos when i got her, it was another two years to find my forever friend. She was worth the investment of time and love. Now at age 14, I am LOVED to death by her. When I get home and she asks me, " how was your day", it is priceless! Nancy

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, today the adventure continues. Dorian has been climbing off his cage and walking about the office, spending time under my desk shredding paper. Today I was on the phone and he walked right by me, and Right Out the Door!!! He toddled on out of the office and down the hall, turning to go into the bathroom. I follow him in and he's exploring the small room, totally laid back. I had to intervene when he seemed intent on climbing into the cats litter box, and when the cat noticed Dorian was on a walkabout I put myself between them, but otherwise I let him explore. When he walked out the bathroom door past the cat he looked right at Jac and said "Hi". Then he walked back to his room/the office. Just as he was in the door something startled him and he flew up, hovered around for a few seconds, then made a very gracefull landing on his cage. I made a big fuss about how good he did, and what a big brave boy he is, and he climbed down to an outside perch, wagged his tail, and put his head down for a long scritching session. Usually he's so nervous after a flight that he retreats right into his cage, but today he actually seemed happy and pleased with himself. He is such a different bird than the one that moved in here years ago. Sometimes I forget how far he's come, but days like thus make it clear. I'm so proud of my boy.

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