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Out door Bird Room..need advice!


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At the Sanctuary we have an enclosed porch area very similar in size with a cement floor. When we had Macaws out there they did great only chewing perches and toys. We moved them out scrubbed redecorated and moved our Greys in there-oops-they took the porch lights apart completely, started chewing all corners they could get too- it was hardy board. So do watch carefully turn of the electricity when they ore outside to prevent fried parrots. It looks great hope both you and the birds enjoy it. When we moved the greys in there we had to add another layer of a finer mesh to keep rats and predators out.


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Greywings..I LOVE your aviary...much nicer than mine. I like the full floor to ceiling view! I never thought of chain link to use..



Murfchck, I LOVE the idea about the screen closures. I had installed storm doors on all my other doors in the house for added protection, so that would be perfect for added safety. I do have screens, but won't use them, I put the storm windows on as Nilah would chew thru it in a minute!



Kimkim, Yes, we have 2 horses now..down from 3...:) It's nice to look out the windows and see them in the backyard!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update: it hasn't been much warmer than 50- 58 degrees over the past week, so progress is slow in setting up my Bird Room. I have brought each of them out there for a short time, but since there wasn't much to do, Nilah is the only one who LIVES to be out there. I am very careful not to ask them if the want to go outside, ( as when ever I go out, I say, "I'm going outside, I'll be right back" to whoever is home.) I don't want my birds thinking that I'm going to their room and try and fly out with me. So it's always " do you want to go to the bird room?"

Nilah spends every minute with me climbing and chewing all the wood out their as I hang things up. Do to my budget at the moment, I am not spending any more $$ furnishing it, I am only using items I already have at home or have made. Over time, I plan on getting more rope perches and a tree stand.

So here it is , a work in progress.....


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Oh, and Nilah being Nilah, she is so excited when she is out there, if she's not chewing all the wood, she's screaming her head off, "Stop, STOP! stop it!!!!! , NO NO NO! OMG! NOOOOOO!!!!! " even tho my neighbors aren't that close, I know they can hear her...I keep expecting one of them to call the police! It's quite embarrassing to be out there with her, my son says it sounds like we have a lot of domestic abuse in our house..



I only wish there was a way to get sunshine into it more than it does. It gets early morning and late day sun, not much though.:(

Edited by Talon
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  • 3 weeks later...

I have an outdoor aviary that my friend and I put together many years ago. I got most of the material from Home Depot. It's also collapsible. It doesn't look as fancy as designer models but it serves the purpose. When we open it up in the late spring, that's the only time I can put breeder greys and pet greys together without them getting aggressive with each other. None of the birds complain.



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I'm planning to take a couple of weeks off and build an aviary. The difference between Greycie sitting in her bird room and sitting outside (currently in a cage) enjoying the air, sunshine and the noises is quite noticeable. Toby doesn't seem to mind either way but I swear he only has a pea for a brain.


We're heavily sourcing ideas right now - what to do.

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