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Out door Bird Room..need advice!


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I have a deck off the back of my house. A good portion of it has a roof ,partial open walls and 2 doors. I would love to make it into a summer bird room. It doesn't really get any sun. I want to screen it in, but want to use SAFE scree/wire. DOes anyone have any advice?

I am only going to use the room in the daytime, they would be in the house at night. Just want a fun bird room where they can get fresh air!

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Best outdoor bird enclosure Ive ever seen was done by a guy in Australia. He used an avian netting with simple hog rings to attach it. Ive linked it here before. Will add the link when I find it again. There were sources for the materials he used in the thread.



Here's the thread at AvianAvenue I was talking about. His setup is amazing.



We have a rear covered porch with ceiling fan and light. It's open on three sides. We plan to enclose it in a similar manner as shown in the thread and extend it down the side of the house. We got quotes to do a fancy walled in structure with glass and two doors - $13K. No thanks that's +10x more than I wanted to spend. Greycie just got her birdroom fixed up so she'll have to wait a bit longer.

Edited by SterlingSL
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Here is what I built for Elmo , He wants to be out in it all day ,as he was today , at 8:30 am , and brought him in at 5:15 today. He is very happy out side watching the humming birds ,talking to my dogs Talking and whistling up a storm all day. It helps being portable like when I mowed the lawn yesterday:cool:.

full parrot cage_025.jpg

Elmo outside_024.jpg

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  • 1 month later...

Well after much research on other sites and others who have built outdoor avairys on a budget. I found the wire, ordered it, and my builders started it today. They bought 2 larger doors, framed it in, and are putting matching siding on it. They said they will be done tomorrow! It already looks really nice, I'm quite excited! Now if the cold weather would stop. And if I have any $$ left, I will be shopping for perches and trees to fill it with!

Edited by Talon
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Well after much research on other sites and others who have built outdoor avairys on a budget. I found the wire, ordered it, and my builders started it today. They bought 2 larger doors, framed it in, and are putting matching siding on it. They said they will be done tomorrow! It already looks really nice, I'm quite excited! Now if the cold weather would stop. And if I have any $$ left, I will be shopping for perches and trees to fill it with!


Can't wait to see the finished product. I hope to get a outdoor aviary done this summer. Hope hope hope!

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So, I got a call from my carpenter today...he was almost finished and wanted me to come home and see it. ( what he really wanted was a check for the finished product) They were just finishing so I couldn't take any pics, but I am quite excited it was just about done. I will take pics and post them when I get home from work. I wish I had taken before and after pics.



The floor was already there as it is a raised deck, there was already a roof, but it is unfinished )on the inside) and will remain that way from so I can just screw things in and hang boings from it. There was a couple feet up from the floor that was framed, so they closed it in and we put wire mesh that's 1 " x 1/2" GAP in panels on the upper 3 walls. There was 2 open door ways, no frames or doors, so we added the doors and frames. The deck is attached to my living room, so that wall has windows into my living room and a door. When I am home, I hope to allow them out there, I don't think I am comfortable with leaving them there unattended unless I am in the house somewhere.



Can't wait to clean it all up and start getting tree stands and hanging perches etc. NOW if the warm weather will ever come.



I can imagine Nilah will LOVE it! She loves to sit in front of a screened window and look out, she will do that for hours. Rikki....I'm not so sure I can even get her out there...Talon will be curios, but scared..but she will eventually be happy I think. I am leary of this, as now they have no desire for the outside (except Nilah) and don't attempt to ever go near the doors, I am afraid this will change after they get a taste..:(

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Okay, here is some quick pics. Of course I have to clean it up and actually set it up for my birds. But I am so excited and happy with how well it came out since my budget was little.









This is from the inside








This is the unfinished inside of the roof




This is the backside of the living room it is attached to



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Nice! I am so jealous of what fun your parrots will have. Louie, my BF zon, wants to know if he can come visit Nilah. Promises to bring her an apple or two. Sterling Gris, CAG, the brute, thinks both Rikki and Talon are the bomb. Of course, Ana Grey, my queen, says please take them!


Looking forward to seeing some pictures of your flock out in their room.

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What a great outdoor space for your flock to spend time in.

You may need a beach umbrella to sit under to keep from being pooped on.

P.S. I hope you have good locks on the doors so someone can`t just walk in. (Dead Bolts)

Spending time outside with your birds will be great.

Edited by Ray P
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Thanks Ray, YES both doors will ALWAYS be locked when my birds are allowed out there. I am a fanatic on double locked doors in my house at all times. When I have guests, they are made to enter thru the garage, and then not allowed into the house until all doors are shut in the garage.

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That looks wonderful! I would be out there all the time with the birds! I see you now with your flock and a cup of coffee ( or umm, wine ) just sitting out there enjoying the beautiful views and relaxing.

Have you seen the commercials for screens for your door where they are free hanging and have a magnet that locks them shut after you walk through? I would add that in front of the door a little way just to help with accidental escapes when you go in and out of there.They would hit the screen first and not go right out the door! ;-)

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