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New Baby CAG


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Hi everyone,

I recently added a new grey to my flock (day 6). She is around 5 months old or so. She is small compared to my other two greys. I have never had a baby grey before so I am looking for advice. She steps up and takes food and toys from my hand but doesn't seem to want to be touched. What is the best way to get her to want a neck rub? I don't want to push and make her afraid of me. I don't think she has had any attention since she was weaned in the pet store. She was in a room full of birds and seemed nervous there from the noise. She calmed down when I took her out of that room. Also, she seems to have preened the edges of her neck feathers a little too much. They look a little chewed. I am hoping that this will stop now that she has toys and a quieter environment. I would welcome advice on these issues. Thanks!


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Hello Shara and welcome to our family.

Congrats on your new addition to your flock, she is a beauty and it does appear she might be over preening those feathers but maybe now that she is in a different environment that will stop but only time will tell. The addition of new toys and things to keep her occupied when caged should help to keep her distracted from doing it further.

Since your new grey is a baby I assume the other two were rehomed but it would be nice if you could give us a little background on them so we can get to know you better, they look lovely too and thanks so much for including pictures in your intro post.

You will find lots of threads especially in the nursery room that will be of help to you in the coming weeks and months as she settles into her new home but taking your time with her and being very patient will prove invaluable to you.

Some greys do not like to be touched very much and you will have to respect that but she has only been with you a short time so be patient while she decides if you are worthy of more interaction with you, never press her to give more than she is willing to give at any time so you can gain her trust as it must be earned and grey time can be very slow.

I see the other two greys have a name but what is hers?

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Welcome to the forum, your flock is lovely. Judy beat me to everything I would have suggested. It probably is that in six days she hasn't had time to assess the situation yet. She is adorable and your other two are strikingly handsome. Hopefully in a short time she will get settled and you will see her personality blossom as she enjoys her new home.

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Charlie was my first parrot. He had been dropped off at a pet store so I have no idea of his age or history. It took him a year to want a head rub (only through the cage bars) and he still is afraid of many things but is much better now than he had been. I adopted Willie from a woman whose first grey flew away and returned after she had already purchased another. He was a year old so still young but already acting like a teenager. He is very active and very smart, talks up a storm. Willie taught Charlie how to be a bird, they are friends but not bonded. I think they are fantastic and such great company! I wanted my last? bird to be a baby girl. I think we will name her Pearl but I keep calling her Sweetie. I don't actually know if she is a girl but she is a cutie. My office is closed today so I get to stay with her today. She is watching me post, all relaxed and eyes half closed. What a delight she is already!

Thanks for the welcome!

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Hello and welcome to you and your flock. You have a very good looking group there. I have no "baby" experience. I suspect that if your sweetie is going to be a cuddler, it will happen gradually as she comes to fully trust you. Many here on the forum have birds who do not like touching, though they are close to their humans in other ways. Good luck and God bless :)

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welcome to the forum , I have 2 greys Smokey will be 5 years old in November 2014 and Baby will be 5 in August 2014 , both are rehomes , Smokey has gotten use to me and my hubby and has really come along ways Baby on the other hand just adores my hubby and is still very nervous around me but hopefully in time she will get use to me

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Welcome Shara. Nice flock of Greys!! I love the name Willie Wonka! too cute.

How are you holding up with all the snow in NYC area?


As time goes by, I dislike the snow, more and more! Driving is hazardous here as most people don't know how to drive in the snow, especially if they have an SUV or a truck! I can hardly wait for Spring!

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Unfortunately, Pearl has finished chewing off the feathers on her breast so she just has white down there now. She seems comfortable and is playing nicely with her toys, food, etc. I hope this is not going to be a permanent problem. She is so young to be a feather chewer. I made sure to spray her chest well this morning (water only). Hopefully once she learns to take a bath she will stop. She is doing well otherwise.

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We have an older TAG from multiple rehomes. She was a stress plucker when she came home to us. She was frozen in fear. After the initial period to get her settled in, our avian vet recommended a natural pet rescue remedy from Bach Flower remedies. I was very skeptical because she didn't seem to have nervous energy, but she was closed down and anxious from fear. The time in the pet store as a chick may have your girl stressed out. The rescue remedy in her warm bean mix did seem to help after a period of time. Now we give it to her when we travel or anticipate changes in her life that will cause her anxiety. She quit chewing and barbering her feathers in about six weeks initially. Now she may start chewing nervously and I will start the rescue remedy again and she doesn't progress to near the extent she did in the beginning. It didn't have any side effects and I can't be positive if it really changed anything, but it sure didn't hurt anything to try it. There are two types of the rescue remedy, one is for pets because it contains no alcohol. As with any kind of supplement or natural remedy, I believe its best combined with your vet's oversight. I just wanted you to know it helped us.

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Just want to say welcome and compliment you on your beautiful flock. I have no experience with baby Greys as our current gal, Inara, was 2 years old when she came to us and is the youngest Grey I've ever had. So when it comes to nursery stuff, I'm at a loss. You've landed in such a great place, and as you can already see, there is a lot of combined knowledge and experience here :)

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Thanks everyone for your suggestions. It certainly is different having a baby grey. She still doesn't quite have her depth perception right, or maybe its just where those feet of hers actually are! It is tough to stand by and let her learn without jumping up to help and scaring her. We are working on playing with toys together. She still doesn't have full confidence in standing on my hand when moving around so I have to remember to walk extra slow. She wants so much to fly but the pet store really chopped those wing feathers off before she even had a chance to try. : ( I wish they had let her fledge because she cannot glide at all, she just falls clumsily to the floor. It makes me worry. Anyway she is a delight!

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Those wings will grow out - that is if the store didn't REALLY ruin them. My baby came with worse looking clip I had ever seen - it took almost a year, but his did grow out and he did learn to fly. Learning to fly that late comes with problems too! But within another 6 months he was fully fledged and flying and landing great.

Your baby is worried about falling off your hand because it knows it can not glide. Poor baby. Hold him close to you body and maybe even put your other hand gentle on his back may help.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, Pearl's name has been changed to Betty Boop! She is decimating her toys and seems to be grooming herself more normally now, Yay! She is still a little nervous out of her cage but is nicely distracted with toy play. She is joining in the morning chorus now with lots of bird calls she learned at the bird store. She seems happy to see me when I come home from work. : )

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