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Dont know if it is molt or feather plucking


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Luna is an 8 month old CAG. I have not caught him doing it but one time I found him chewing a long feather. Today I found it on the floor of his perch. Another time one of his tail feathers were loose and fell off. He gets A LOT of attention from me and the fam. He has some toys accessible on his cage/perch.


I read in another post how molting can start from 8-15 months. It isnt often that he has lost his feathers but I am trying my best to give him a stimulating environment and good organic nutrition. But how can you tell the difference between plucking and molting? Here is a picture of his feather. It looks like it was pretty deep.

luna feather.jpg

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Awww, look at your cutie pie. It lookes likes a regular molted feather to me. If Luna had plucked a healthy feather there might be some sign of blood in the shaft. Just keep offering him a stimulating environment and a healthy diet and don't stress - they pick up on our stress very easily.

Edited by Acappella
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