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Grooming at the Vet - worth it.


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Took HRH Inara in this morning to have her talons done by our Avian Vet. We could/can take her to the shop where her first people bought her as a hatchling, and they will do it for free for her lifetime. They are very nice, and it's a nice offer, but I look at a grooming session as one more opportunity for Inara to become comfortable with her Vet, for the Vet to be able to give Inara a great hands on once over, and to perhaps notice something early that I might miss.


That way, in the future, heaven forbid, if we have an unforseen emergency, Inara is used to the surroundings, and her Doc. So is it a bit spendier to take her in yes, compared to free. But the value is great. Today was her 2nd trip to Dr. Marty, and Inara was so calm in the office, gave out a few of her "happy" whistles, and sailed through the grooming processes without holding a grudge.


This also allowed her Vet to see that her beak still had the red mark from the "toy of doom" incident, and she (the vet) reassured me that it was/is just fine and will continue growing out until it eventually disappears. She also cleaned up Inara's beak a bit, and said that HRH is a picture of health.


This week, instead of putting her on her play perch, I would put Inara into her travel cage and take her with me into my studio daily to sit in the sun while i was working. So this trip to the Vet, she was completely relaxed in her travel cage, did not get carsick, and was cool as a cucumber.


NOTE: I specifically asked her Avian Vet about a pumice or cement perch for beak and talon smoothing. There always seem to be mixed messages about them. Her opinion (and she keeps them in supply at her clinic and sent us home with one today) is this:


If you have several other types of perches in your bird's cage; and if you put it in a position in the cage where the bird will only intermittently be upon it --i.e., in front of the food dish or water dish, they are OK to use. Also that it must be large enough so that the bird's talons will make a lot of contact with it, and that the soles of the feet are not forced to curl around it to really grip on, thus leading to possible abrasions of the bottom of the feet over time. In other words, comfortable more for standing upon for short periods as in eating and/or drinking, but not meant for actual perching/gripping upon.


So that was a good take away from today's visit. That, and peace of mind knowing that her beak continues to be fine, that she's in great shape, no more pincushion arms and shoulders for me, that the visit appeared to cause her little if any stress, and that she and her Vet continue to build a good relationship.


Inara has been enjoying me handling her toes when she is hanging onto the side of her cage, and I do that daily. This next week, I'll begin introducing a small emery board to her, and will work incrementally towards getting her to accept light buffs over time.


When we got home, HRH gave me a ton of snuggles and kisses and happy chirps, whistles and fluffs before happily going into her home where she is now contentedly snoozing.


Feelin' groovy,

Inara's human

Edited by Inara
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I, too, use our vet for grooming all my birds. For exactly the reasons you have stated. Another point that you brought out, which I stress to everyone, is use the travel cage frequently to avoid it being "the box that brings me to the vet where I am poked & prodded". I put my guys in it to clean their cages, take a walk, or just hang out now & then. It gets them used to being in there, and not only going somewhere uncomfortable. A while back, a friend wanted to borrow one from me to bring his Amazon to the vet. The bird freaked out from not being familiar with being in one. It was a horrible stressful scene for them both. My guys go into theirs willingly and are comfortable in there. Because they have been conditioned so. Thanks, "Inara's human", for bringing out some good advice.

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Excellent post as you bring up the value of maintaining a good relationship with your vet, as well as the discussion of the concrete perches and happy occasions in the travel cage. Our vet only does baseline bloodwork, then rechecks in three years unless there is a specific problem. There are more opportunities for pleasant exchanges where our vet can impart advice and get to know Gilda and me better which only enhances that relationship and trust. While you are introducing Inara to an emery file, train her to lift her foot so you can see the bottom of her feet on a regular basis. We do have two concrete perches that help keep Gilda's toenails gently blunt, but whether or not they are in there, a variety of perches are suggested and they rely so much on their feet that its a good practice just to have a look on a regular basis. We do our foot inspection along with the weekly weigh in.

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Sophie has a trimmer that does her nails and beak. She also has a vet that she sees for " well child visits". Both, are important in her life, and she will stepup to both. I can't imagine life without either one. I am lucky, Sophie is healty and happy. Trimmer will let me know if she is losing weight or concerned. Then, a vet visit. They both know, I am crazy, that I wont sit in any waiting room. Call me on my cell phone out in the parking lot, I will come in. I'm really not crazy! LOL Nancy

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