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be careful what you teach


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I was playing with Storm, made this noise and the next day he started it in his own...he now does this all day long, he does it when i am talking to him (i guess he doesn't wanna listen to me??) he does it if i am on the phone to long and of course, he does it for the simple reason that he can do it.....


so at about 9-10 seconds you will hear it, and you will laugh and you might even say "aww thats so cute" or something similar....than you remember what i said....he does this all day long.. you stop laughing and than start being greatful that he is my house not yours!!! lmao, he is a funny boy


...if u wanna add me as a friend thats fine, if not than you can still look.
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Frankly, that's not so bad. Try living with one that makes the fire alarm sound in the dead of night or the "beeping" of a dying fire alarm while you are sleeping. Tells the dog to "Go potty. Go potty Lily. Good girl." a few times a day. Or goes to the back door and barks to be let out. Asks to be let out of his cages several times a day. "Open the door, I want to come out. Hello, open the doooooooor." Or says "Feed me feed me".


Enjoy, life is never dull with a grey or two in your home.


They do learn some good things to: "Hello gorgeous". Sings: Happy Birthday, You are my Sunshine, or Give me a little kiss will you hon, Give me a little kiss honeybun.

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Greycie learned to fart and laugh because we laughed after she did it. Now she gets really loud and boisterous about it doing it multiple times in succession. Of course we reinforced it because it's so funny when she does it.


I had a time figuring out what your bird was doing until I read the comments and then it was crystal clear...duh...

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AWESOME! I could listen to it over and over. I'm lucky that their repeated sounds and noices doesn't affect me what so ever.Sophie coughs, farts, burps, sneezes,tells pups to go out to pee CONSTANTLY! Luckily, I have decreased hearing in my right ear.

Greys are always learning, and will repeat over and over like a broken record. I find it amazing how they process. Nancy

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I love that! My first thought when I heard it was the old time cartoon depictions of snoring. I will play it over again about a hundred times and see if I can get immune to the charm. I doubt it. Repetition doesn't get to me like the game show "WRONG" buzzer or the abrasive "maaaa". We have one who does the drip or gurgle of the refrigerator water dispenser when she fancies a fresh bowl of water. I would gladly laugh at get up in the middle of the night for that one. Way to go Storm. That is a brilliant imitation.

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