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PBS Parrot Confidential


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Has anyone seen this? I watched it on YouTube yesterday. The premise seemed to be that no one should ever have a parrot for a pet. Of course I don't go along with this, but there is some great footage of parrots in the wild. Watching them really gave me some insight to their behavior. I think it would be a good show for someone that was considering getting a parrot. Some of the parrot owners on the show seemed to think that owning a parrot would be like having a goldfish or canary.

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Yes, have seen it before when it first aired. My thoughts on it, are that I hope people that are not Parrot owners saw the complexity of having a parrot and providing for it properly to maintain both mental and physical health is much more complex than a cat or dog and decides not to ever own a parrot. The hope is, all the parrots out there in need of a good home are brought home by people that have put the time in to research properly and then come to the decision that they can in fact provide a good home to one.

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I've seen it a couple of times. It has some very good points about parronthood. I really felt for the couple that gave up their 'too to a family that had a 'too that theirs bonded to during a birdsitting stayover. They had him for 15 years, and gave him up for him to have a life with another 'too. Though, their decision to never get another parrot is, in my opinion, a bit harsh. He kept saying "They are not pets". I agree to some extent, but, I see it as they are more than "pets". I am familiar with the Ara Project in Costa Rica, that is rehabilitating Macaws to return to the wild. And I can identify with the rescuer that had to keep getting a bigger place. Been there, and done that. Now, my little mobile home is like a whole different world than my past homes (and farm). I think the thing that they want people to get from that show is that these are wild creatures, and a lot more work than most people think, or are willing to put into them. And like the ex-breeders said, Adopt, Don't Buy! The world is full of poor babies that need homes already. I know of, and have been involved in, many cases like poor "Lou", the abandoned 'too. It happens more than I care to remember. Even though it stirs up memories and feelings that I'd rather not experience again, I'll watch it every time it's on.

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