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Jury Duty


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Hello all. I was called up for Jury Duty last week. After a long selection process, I have been seated on a jury that may last 2-3 weeks. I usually am only gone from 8:30-2:30 most days with my teaching job, but now I will likely be away from Gracie from 8-6 most days. I have plans to have family and friends stop by the house in the afternoons to feed Gracie and keep her company for an hour or so. I hope my absence doesn't stress her out. In addition, the trial I am participating in is emotionally very difficult, and I hope that my mood doesn't affect Gracie too much. She has seemed needy over the past week.

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Thats going to be tough on you both!

I am trying really hard to break our routines here for that reason, the unexpected. We try to leave them in the cage for a day so that if for some reason we have to be away, they will know how to act and not get stressed. Ok, so i suck at that and it has only happened 2 times in all the years we have had them. But in the long run hopefully they will remember those 2 days, lol. Best of luck to you both!

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All the more reason not to have a set routine, its important to mix things up a little so they don't stress out when the day comes that it changes for it will as life always throws us a curve from time to time.

You say she was needy this past week, the same time you got called for jury duty, sounds like it is already affecting her, when the trial starts try to leave it in the courtroom as you can see how sensitive she is to your feelings, hope it goes quickly.

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We keep our schedule unexpected too, don't even feed the same way or times. Some have said they feed their first bird first and the newest last-not here they never know who is first or last. If I am not available one of the boys will feed them or even hubby. We come and go at odd times to shop & take wildlife photos. Work & volunteering have more set times so not much flexibility there. If we plan on being gone long hours or a trip out of town I always tell them what is going on and when we will be back, sounds silly but it helps our flock and the cats but I don't think the dogs quite get it.

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It really is amazing how sensitive/empathic and yet how resilient our feathered companions can be. As murf and Judy have said, planning for the unexpected really does help in the long run, and I'm sure you already grok that Jeff. It sounds like it's going to be a tough time, with long hours, but you and Gracie will do fine. You've made good plans, and as Judygram said - take time to shake off the courtroom stressors before you head home (easier said than done with some cases, but certainly you'll give it a good try).


Thanks for this post, as it is a great reminder to us all to plan ahead for those times when schedules are disrupted.

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I agree with all said above, but, would like to add that our featherheads are more resilient and adaptable than we think. Gracie, and everyone's birds, will accept what is going to happen, and manage to get over it. They may be a bit cranky, or unsettled, but, in the end, our birds will accept life as it comes their way. I've seen some birds go through horrific things, and manage to survive. Just don't project too much stress, and everything will be okay. My birds have helped me through some very difficult times, when all I had was their love and strength to get me through things. And they helped me. They didn't let my problems become theirs, they were my inspiration.

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On the plus side, Gracie is getting to spend time with friends and family who love her and whom she loves. I am sooo blessed that I have people willing to take time out of their day to give an hour or two to Gracie. Also, her "neediness" is expressed in affection (which she has never been very demonstrative about). She flies over to me and just rests on my arm for 15-20 min. She has never done that before. She sings and talks and has really come out of her shell. As far as "enjoying" the jury experience...that will be impossible in my situation, and frankly tonight I had to let out a lot of emotion before I walked into the house. As much as I want to leave everything in the courtroom, I don't think I can. As empathetic as our greys are, we just can't hide our emotions. I walked in the door and greeted Gracie with a big smile and Gracie said, "Don't worry. Be happy. Whatsa matter?" Then made a big kissing sound. I did not fool her.

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Gracie will be just fine! She is a smart girl, has a dad that LOVES her to death! STOP enabling her. ( don't be mad at me!) It is time to let Gracie understand that she will be on her own. Let her know who will be checking up on her and they will call you if needed. She will give you a big fat kiss.... and will be happy when you return. Don't let her see you are stressed! Birds stress when we are stressed. Sophie knows and understands I work unusual hours and loves people that check on her. The worse thing you can do for your bird, is to let them see you are not comfortable with your arrangements. While they may be comfortable, if you are a parrent that is not... they focus on that and can make your like miserable. Nancy

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I had to sit on as murder trial, and most of the people involved didn't speak English. The courtroom was chaos, the trial went on for 6 weeks. Thank God we were not sequestered! We witnessed fights between the parties involved in the courtroom, the parking lot, and the hallways. It was brutal. I went home to my birds, and they relaxed me. They were sensitive to my stress, but, were my "decompressors". At the time I was guardian to a Red Lored Amazon who asked me everyday, "what's wrong?" I told him "Nothing, I love you." he'd say, "I love you, too." And my world would be happier. Focus on your bird, and let the rest of the world go how it will. Their unconditional love is such a panacea for anything. When they'd fly to me, and kiss me, it was like everything was right again with my world. My birds today have that effect on me as well.

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I'm glad you're not sequestered. I doubt "I have to get home to my bird" would be an accepted excuse for getting out of a sequestered jury. Kudos to you for sitting on a jury. So many people twist themselves into knots getting out of it. I was called a few years ago but not chosen. I found even the selection process interesting, but I didn't really feel like driving an hour each way every day to sit on a trial that was supposed to last up to a month, so I was glad they got their jury and alternates before they got to me. Gracie will pick up on your stress so it might be a good idea on the most stressful days to make a stop on the way home, sit in a coffee shop for half and hour, read a bit, just so you're not coming directly from the trial to her. I know you want to rush home to her, but if you give yourself a few moments to push the re-set button on yourself before you walk in the door it may be good for both of you. I hope the trial doesn't drag on, and I hope it doesn't drain you too much. <3

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