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Waiting for the Superbowl to start....Go Denver !!


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Neither I nor my hubby watched any of the Super Bowl, just not interested in pro ball games anymore, rather watch college.



Well, I'm not a football fan. Never have been. I've always been suspicious of a sport where a guy bends way over and there's a person behind him and has what looks like his hands grabbing and feeling at his ass cheeks. They must like it cause they're always repeating it. Hmmmmm, gotta wonder what's up?

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aerial.2000, They have only been together for 2 months....close out of cage interaction is very, very, adult supervised. Neither of our cats seem to be bothered by Isaac nor appear to want to "hunt" him. Isaac was raised in an amazing pet store that highly interviewed us before we were allowed to make him ours. I say that because he had a lot of interaction with humans and other birds at his original home, but not cats, therefore we are wary of his cool, trusting, behavior around the cats....we would never trust them together without such supervision...I think so far that "Isaac" the Grey will be the dominate personality with the cats !! lol

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I would say that Timber dominates the relationship with my cats (four of them) as well. They are extremely curious, but so is he. I have noticed that if he walks toward them or fluffs up, they just leave the room. He seems to desire a closer relationship than they do, truthfully. I know he sees them as "flock." If one of them is distressed, he starts that shrill alert. If one of them is locked out on a screened-in porch or in a closet (happens sometimes) he does the same. He hears them meowing before we do.

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Gosh I really really want to do the whole cat/bird thing but ... the cats already took out the hamster cage and well lets just say that ended badly :( granted they are alot smaller and alot more helpless then a big bird might be but ... I just worry :( I dont wanna stress either of them out by letting her in the house where the bird is at

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Aerial, if your cat is an outside cat who has developed predatory instincts, I would hesitate to allow interaction too. My cats are totally housecats, having never been outside (except with me carrying them). With animals, just like people, temperament will affect interaction.

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