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Hello From Texas


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Hello Everyone!


I am new to owning an Congo African Grey. I have had experiences with conures before. I should say it does not compare to anything that I expected. He is very gentle and tame and does not scream at all. Every once in a while is sort of chirps like if he is trying to imitate words. I am a little worried that I do not hear vocalizations from him (like screaming or squaking). Not even in the morning or evening. He is eating good and does not show signs of illness. He is about 6 1/2 months. He spends quite some time out of his cage perching in my hand. I have owned him for 6 days. I wanted to see if I could get some help answering my questions from some fellow CAG owners. I'm looking forward to being part of this forum!!



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Welcome to the Grey forums. Where at in Texas? I'm north of Dallas.


CAG's don't screech like a conure, although they can learn to if exposed to it. Mine learned to do morning and evening screechy time because my Caique started her on it. I would say at 5mos your CAG is just figuring things out. Ours is 14mos and she is getting louder with all her new repetoire of whistles, caique screeches etc.

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Congratulations on your new companion and welcome to the forum. With only a week of transition your guy is still getting the lay of the land. It's good he is so friendly and eating well. I have a grey and a red bellied parrot and both are generally quiet without distinctive "bird" sounds. The red bellied parrot's only "chirp" is an imitation of the cockatiel we fostered. Our Timneh imitates the imitation of the cockatiel.

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Welcome to the forum! I have not heard of many greys that do scream, all my guys make noises they have learned from the others, some not so pleasant! lol They can make a low growl noise when mad or scared. I never knew what this growl noise was that everyone talked about until I was steam mopping around one of them and heard it. Gotta say, it scared the crap out of me! Best of times are still to come for you and your new friend, they are life changing! I have 3 greys, and each have their own personality that draw me in and keep me on my toes! (I also have 4 other big boys, macaws and umbrella cockatoos)

Where in Texas? I am in the mid-city area.

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Another Texan here just outside of Houston, glad you found us. Your grey is settling in nicely and you will hear more vocalizations from him as the days roll on but not like a Conure at all. Conures are all kind of big bird attitude and bluster where a Grey often takes a more observational approach to life. "I think they are here to study us and report back to the Mother ship".

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Hello and welcome! Timber doesn't screech or scream either. He does imitate household sounds and other animals, like my cats. It is very early days yet in your relationship. Your baby will probably start vocalizing when he is comfortable and acclimated to your home. Good luck and God bless :)

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Hello Pat617 and welcome to our family.

Greys are known for being one of the quieter of the parrot world but that does not mean that there aren't some who push that to the limit especially when they are trying to imitate a conure as mine does occasionally.

Do not worry about not hearing much vocalizations so far as he has only been with you a week, takes longer than that to settle into a new home and feel comfortable.

Pictures are always welcomed.

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Welcome, and you've found the right place for a wealth of information and fun. :) My companion, HRH Inara, does do a blood curdling scatchysqawkyscreech that is an imitation of the jays outside only amplified to parrot level. She does this only when attacking one of her toys. She also is quite the cheerful talker and noise maker, but she is very settled in and relaxed. I wouldn't worry if your companion is quieter for now, as six days is not long at all. Really looking forward to hearing more about how you came to find each other, and to see some photos :)

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Marco is very quiet too, you will be amazed at what sounds they DO pick up. Marco has become my second alert when the dryer is done by mimicing the same 3 tones 3 times in a row like the actual machine does ... as if I dont hear the machine doing it as well LOL. Shes a blast to have tho and the older she gets (2yrs now) the faster she is picking up words/sounds. My friend got a puppy almost 3 weeks ago, its been to the house 5 times and shes already calling it by name (Toby) I was just amazed how quickly she figured that out. Im sure you will start to enjoy the more your baby learns :D

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