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Hi from Istanbul


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I'm Burak from Istanbul, Turkiye.

I'm a fan of African greys. I grew-up with an African grey. She came to our house when I was younger than 2 years old and we spent more than 20 years together until she passed away.


Now I have another African grey named Budu which I guess is a male. I'm together with him for a month now, we're in the "getting used to each other period" with him :D

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Hello and welcome. How old is Budu? Does his name translate to English?


Hello, thanks.

We think he's around 2-3 years old because his eyes turned to straw yellow, but only God knows.

His name is derived from Sesame Street character Bert :) (which is known as "Büdü" here in Turkey)

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Thanks, greywings. Actually I live in Istanbul which is a highly populated city. (Population is guessed something around 17 millions of people - 13.8 million official data)

But, sure I'll try to feed him a natural diet. Our previous african grey lived something around 20 years with us but as I was a child I didn't know much about taking care of African greys. This time, with my new buddy "Büdü", my target is him outliving me.

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Quite aware what a large city you live in just wondered if the local markets carried foods not available here. All the photos I have seen show what a beautiful city you live in with a very rich history as well. Love where I am but always interested to learn more of other places.

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Nice pictures - handsome feller. Is he out of the cage a lot? I ask because I see no toys/foraging items in the cage. Or maybe just moved to allow a better picture.


:D that's an old picture. His cage is now full of toys. He even destroyed some of them:D His new favorite is a cotton perch which he was working on when I was leaving home this morning :D

Actually he is never out of cage normally. We try to get used to each other, and he has full wings right now so we're a little afraid to make him frighten or hurt himself if we let him out of cage. I'll wait a little for him to get used to us to let him out on a regular basis.

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Quite aware what a large city you live in just wondered if the local markets carried foods not available here. All the photos I have seen show what a beautiful city you live in with a very rich history as well. Love where I am but always interested to learn more of other places.


Sorry for misunderstanding, yeah we've lots of different fresh veggies and fruits available in Turke almost all the time, the problem is he doesn't eat any of them. Just sunflower seeds and corn. I'm trying everyday but no success, yet:(

I'll be happy to give information whenever you ask. And maybe you may visit Istanbul sometime, just let me know.

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Just keep offering those veggies. One of these days he will surprise you! Have you tried different versions? I.e. raw, steamed, mashed. Sometimes they won't eat a veggie raw but will try it off a spoon if it is steamed or mashed. As you may have guessed, Timber is spoiled. However, I don't spend ALL day standing there with a spoon... ;) Also, try a skewer hanging in the cage. Timber started out just attacking the veggies and pulling them off but has progressed to nibbling a little along the way.

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Welcome Burak! Budu is quite handsome, I second the above comment on trying different ways of preparing veggies. You may want to also look into Chop. My grey came to me on a seed only diet. Once I found out about Chop I made him batch with fresh veggies from our farmers market here. To entice him into trying to eat it I mixed in some of his seed with it, it really helped him with the idea of accepting a greater variety of veggies. Check out the food and diet section you'll find lots of great advice there. Can't wait to hear more about the adventures in store for you and Budu!

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Thanks for your advices:) Sometimes try different forms of veggies and fruits but he's really very stubborn. Maybe in time. Our former African grey Ali (R.I.P.) was literally eating everything so I'm a little surprised with Büdü:D I was a little boy when he came to us (1.5 years old) so I don't remember his earlier times. Maybe after a while Budu will start to eat (when our bond strengthens). I'll keep trying.

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Welcome! What a cute fellow you have! I still struggle to feed a few of mine the veggies and good stuff, but every day i offer it for breakfast and dinner. I thought one day i had finally gotten Lily to eat something but alas, she had just tossed it out. lol My only advise is to keep trying!

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Welcome! What a cute fellow you have! I still struggle to feed a few of mine the veggies and good stuff, but every day i offer it for breakfast and dinner. I thought one day i had finally gotten Lily to eat something but alas, she had just tossed it out. lol My only advise is to keep trying!


Thanks murfhck, hw throws them away:) but I'll keep trying.

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