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Joey keeps scaring me


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Joey has scared me two time today and it worries me he'll get hurt. He will be on or in his cage with the door open and as you walk by he jumps out. This is not good since I am not even close enough for him to catch. The way his wings are he is also unable to fly so he lands on the floor and I'm afraid he'll get hurt. :( If this is a game to him or his way to get me to run, he isn't funny. What can I do to stop this?

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I'm not sure what he is doing, but it would be a good idea to put a cushion on the floor under his cage so he has a soft landing. When Gilbert was launching herself off her cage, it was because she was startled. I had a kitchen gel mat that I put in front of her cage to prevent a keel injury and put a ladder against her cage so she could climb back up on her own. What does Joey do once he is on the floor?

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I am not sure why Joey is doing it but once he does he walks to where other are and will nibble on their feet. He doesn't want to be picked up but will if you try a few times. I have offered to get him to step up from his cage he says NO then within a minute jumps at the floor. He won't do step up from his cage but once off the cage he is happy to. He likes to then climb to my shoulder and then he won't let me or anyone move him. Joey scares me when he does it as I fear he will get hurt. I will try to make a soft landing for him and see if he will continue. I hope he stops since he already seems to be cage aggressive and him doing this will make it hard when he can fly.

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Josey used to jump from her cage like that too but now she has learned to climb down the side and flip herself over the skirt to get to the floor where she goes where she wants. I echo the others suggestions to pad the floor around the cage so he won't hurt himself when he jumps, not much else you can do if he decides to jump off but maybe he will learn to climb down the side too.

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My TAG, when she came to me at 4 months was clipped. Love those breeders who believe greys MUST be clipped so their new owners won't lose them. Ana Grey would jump off of her cage and everywhere. She so wanted to fly and would take off clipped or not. There is no way to really stop them as they instinctively know they are suppose to fly. Pad around her jumping area and relax. My floors are hardwood and Ana Grey never crushed herself.


A knotted rope also helps clipped birds get down or up.


If you have ever watched baby birds leave the nest they are up there in a tree and they survive their first take off so relax.

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Thanks My hubby is going to put some ropes, we went and bought some interlocking sponge squares to place on the floor. I also found a closer vet so next week I am going to check it out for my 3 little ones. By changing vets it will save travel time by almost 3 hours. I think the first visit I'll just have them do a check up, nails and beak trim. Then I'll see if I feel good about the vet before I choose to continue to them or not. I also was wondering if anyone knows of a good place to look for plans to make a play stand? The one hubby made for our 2 Quakers (Rexley & Molly) seems to be getting torn apart from Joey. Joey likes to chew on everything he can. LOL

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