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Air Quality

Steve 2

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Anyone have suggestions to improve air quality in the house? Vet says my tag's respiratory system is a mess, but at this point there is no infection. I closed the heater vent in the sleep room and turned down the heater. I've been trying to get Toulouse outside more and giving him a daily morning shower with a solution "Rain" that's supposed to help with inflammation. Thx.


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I am sure some veteran members will be along shortly with better advice, but if your looking to improve the air quality, I'd check out rabbitair. I bought a pair of rabbitair hepa purifiers and placed 1 in close proximity to our TAG`s cage/perch etc. I can say that after running these units 24/7, I have seen a decent reduction on dander and dust. I also keep the humidity as constant as I can and I also avoid any drafts from the HVAC system like you referenced in your post.

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I live in the country, no bad air outside, but I have noticed a deduction in the dander, and the air just seems cleaner inside. My son has asthma and after putting them thru my house and each kid had one in their bedroom, he rarely had any asthma problems. I have on in my bedroom next to Talons sleep cage, and when I vacuum the filter once a week, it is covered in bird dander.



I had bought the ones that were advertised in Bird Talk for many years. But I know they don't have a very good business reputation. JWR Germicidal Bird Systems is the brand. I don't know if they sell them anymore, but I have a lifetime supply of filters and bulbs. They come with a filter than can be vacuumed and washed as well as a germicidal bulb. I run them 24/7.

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When your vet says your grey respiratory system is a mess, what specifically did they mean by that? Did they see something using a scope, hear sounds as your grey was breathing or what? Air quality is very subjective in terms what what your measuring. Some areas in the country have tons of smog for example especially during certain times of the year. Some people smoke in their house, some have mold issues etc. I guess the question is, what specifically did he say to do about it? Use an air purifying system? Normally air purifiers are for the human that is trying to reduce dander they may be allergic to, not the bird.

Edited by danmcq
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Hi Danmcq I had a yearly health check. The vet did a visual check of Toulouse's ears, throat, blood work and stool sample. His white blood count was elevated 17000 where high range is 9000, sinus was full of debris and red cells no sign of infection more likely inflammation, a lot of air way inflammatory cells. Suggestions were to get him outside as much as possible, tune down central air and use a solution "rain" to help reduce respiratory inflammation.

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  • 3 weeks later...

There is an IQ Air multi-stage air cleaner that runs all of the time. Also have the windows and screen doors open anytime the weather is nice, which is most every day here in San Diego. I also roll the guy's in their cages outside on most days. They range in age from 6-13 years and are in excellent health.

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