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Proud Mommy!


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Candi, your Echo sounds like such a delightful soul, and one who is no doubt feeling a sense of security, safety, and relief at having landed in such a caring home. I can't wait to hear what Echo has to say about it all as he continues to flourish under your care.

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Thank you so much for your kind words! I am just thrilled with all of the progress he has made today! He has gone from a shy timid bird to a total clown, lol! His vocabulary is much broader then we previously thought...its absolutely amazing! While I love dogs and cats, I can honestly say I have never felt such a bond and deep love for an animal before him, he is just like one of my kids already. I see now why bird owners are hardcore bird lovers...how can you not be!

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Candi.... So happy Echo and you guys are doing so well! Yes.... many of us, do go crazy and get excited with first words, better behavior, just like our kids. Call us crazy!!!! LOL! BUT.... now my kids are off to college, no empty nest syndrome here. I've got one more baby, and that is Sophie. When kids leave for college, we tell her they have to go to school to get smart. Sophie always tells us " Sophie is smart!" Why yes she is! Nancy

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Thank you so much for your kind words! I am just thrilled with all of the progress he has made today! He has gone from a shy timid bird to a total clown, lol! His vocabulary is much broader then we previously thought...its absolutely amazing! While I love dogs and cats, I can honestly say I have never felt such a bond and deep love for an animal before him, he is just like one of my kids already. I see now why bird owners are hardcore bird lovers...how can you not be!

You will gradually see more and more of his true personality emerge as he feels comfortable in his new home but be prepared for a step or two back as he progresses but in my opinion you are doing great with him so far, you two were meant to be together.

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Its nice to share your journey with Echo. Some rehomes take longer than others and it sounds like Echo is off to a really good start with you. I agree that there is nothing like living with a parrot. Its far different than any relationship I have ever enjoyed. Not at all like a pet, not at all like a child, it is a unique and profoundly interesting path of companionship and joy. You are just beginning. Thanks for joining us and sharing your experience. Its so much better with people who understand the amazing bond we have with our feathered flocks.

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