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Question on flying


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Ok SweetHeart keeps flying and flying. I keep putting her back on her play gym on the top of her cage and she insists on flying either into the kitchen or the other play top on the quakers cage. It's not like I or anyone else is in these spots she just goes there. She will fly right over my head to do this. Should I just keep putting her on her play gym or should I put her in her cage for a few minutes? I can't relax with her out at all, she is constantly trying to fly. She won't eat any fruits or veggies. She pecks at her pellets and loves her seeds. I know she is still getting used to all of us but what do I let her get by with? I have cooked warm meals for her and she won't touch them. I have tried to give her a bath and she won't do that, tried misting her she won't do that. All the things that I was told she ate or did she isn't doing. Is it just cause it's all new to her? Please help me if you can. I know I'm probably getting pretty annoying and I hope to be where the majority of you all are someday where you can actually hold your bird and walk up to her/him without them flying away. Thanks again guys/gals!

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I think you are gonna have to clip one more feather on each wing Ronda so she will know she can't fly everywhere she wants to.


It does take time for her to settle in and then she will get down to a more normal routine but for now she is in a strange place with strange people and all that after her harrowing experience on a plane. I think she will be just fine, just don't stress over it or she will pick up on that.


You are doing a fine job and the day will come when she comes to you and and wants to be with you all the time so just have patience and good things will come to those who wait.

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Thank you Judy. I am gettin impatient I guess. I want it all to happen in one day and I know it won't. I just want to be LOVED lol. Probably this time next week I will be singing a different song lol. I will give her time and try not to freak out cause she flies away all the time. She will sit on your hand for a second or two lol and same with the shoulder but than she flies off. So guess I will have to try to get another feather off both wings in a week or so and just have patience with her till then. She is making some cool sounds though!

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LOL Laurie thank you! I just get worried cause I know I am not being patient but I can't help to worry that she won't love me. My husband has a bird and all I wanted was to have a bird love me lol. I know it sounds silly. But I thank all of you for putting up with me!

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I agree that patience is key here. She is still adjusting to the new environent. Personally I would avoid clipping to deal with the issue. I would rather invest the time in the relationship, even if it takes months or a year. In the long run I think that will be better. Clipping could be a set back if the bird associates you with the action. On the other hand, some would say that when the bird is more dependent on you that strengthens the bond...in either case there is no simple solution to this or many other things you will face. I think she will settle down soon enough. If you relax she will relax and you can both enjoy the challenges, fun and fulfillment ahead. ;):P B)

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I would like to talk about the clipping for a moment. You said his wings are clipped but he is still able to get to the other side of the room. With his passion for flying I would be VERY carful with the clipping. If you were to clip to the point where he can no longer glide he will drop like a rock and run the risk of keel bone and beak injuries. I clipped seven feathers on both wings on my grey but left them long enough so he can glide but no longer can get lift. I would say your best bet is to keep picking him up and putting him back where you want him. It can take forever but he will figure out what you want him to do.

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Guest briansmum

yeah im with everyone else, be patient, she's not going to be all singing all dancing in the first few days. it could be a couple of months before she feels relaxed enough to be completely herself.

i also agree with BMustee, if you take the last feather it could be dangerous. your little girl obviously REALLY wants to fly.

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I agree with others comments regarding not clipping any further.


If you need some personal time to do tasks or just relax, there is nothing wrong or mean with putting him in the Cage for a few hours to either eat, play with toys, bust out a few wolf whistles or just sit and preen.


We have to do the same thing with Dayo. He loves to fly to the counter tops, shoulders or wherever else he wants to go explore.


So, don't feel bad, give yourself a break :-) Your a great Mommy and deserve it!!

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Guest briansmum

yep i'm with dan, brians a great flyer too, and if i cant give him my full attention and supervise him properly when he's out playing then he goes in his cage for a bit. it's not mean, it's for his own safety.

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I would be clipping the wings with supervision from the breeder. She came to us with 5 feathers cut & Wendy (breeder) told me she could still be able to fly but not gain altitude. I just wanted her to be able to glide safetly to the ground and she told me in a few weeks she would help me with cutting them. I'm still not sure if I'm going to but she can't fly around our house. We have a very very small house and with the kitchen completely open to the living room she can hurt her self pretty badly. Yesterday she took off into the kitchen and landing in the garbage can with no way to put her wings back down cause of the garbage that was in it and she was completely in the can. I will give her a few weeks to get used to us to hopefully see if she stops but I think she will seriously hurt herself if she keeps flying like she is. I have come to realize I wanted it all to happen right away and I understand now well I did understand just didn't want to listen to myself lol but I know I have to give her some time and be patient with her. Please let me know if you still think the same way about the not clipping. I'm just worried she will fly over to the other cage while our other bird is out. She is a quaker and never been around other birds so I'm sure something would happen there. I just don't want her to get hurt and just from the past couple of days it's been scary! She ran into the window, fell into the garbage and keeps flying over to the other play gym. AAAHHHHH!! I don't know what to do!:S

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Yeah, patience is key. Also recognizing that you seem to have a flight determined bird so you may need to adjust your home/routine slightly with that knowledge. If you let her wings grow out and actually learn to properly fly she will never run into anything. Once they are flight proficient they are very graceful as intended in nature.


How old is your bird? I encourage you to read about wing clipping in general and there are some really good posts on this forum about the topic. If you have a very flight determined bird all the more reason to embrace that and let her learn to fly in my opinion. If you take that away from her who knows what kind of emotional trauma she will suffer. However, since the wings are already clipped you need to be careful since she will not have the control full feathers give and probably has not developed flight skills either, unless she was fully fledged. If you clip, there are good ways to do it, better ways to do it and WRONG ways to do it. Clips should to be custom to each birds size, strength and determination. ;)

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dblhelix is right on the mark. Stopping what comes naturally at too early an age doesn't do the bird any good, just the owner. Plus, no biord should bre clipped until they've learned flight coordination and have very powerful muscle strength which usually doesn't happen until they're at least 6 to 7 mts old. Having no coordination just allows the bird to fly into anything. Breeders shouldn't sell clipped babies. A novice owner buys the clipped bird, sees the bird flying around erractically and the first thing that pops into a person's mind is *gee, he's not clipped enough*.<br><br>Post edited by: MrSpock, at: 2007/10/31 04:43

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well see she is 6 months old and the breeder doesn't clip any of hers either but I asked for it. She did 2 feathers a few weeks before she was shipped and than 3 more the day before she was clipped so from my understanding she flew very well around the house at her freedom. So maybe it will just take some time for her to get used to the routine here being we can't have a flying bird around the house. I will just keep putting her back on her play gym. I don't know if it's cause she's still getting adjusted or not but she doesn't seem to be playing with her toys very much. She sits on her swing I got her but that's about it so far. I think she's just adjusting. Please keep writing and letting me know oppinions. Thanks!

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