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Got a new cage for Breezy


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I think Breezy is just about ready for his adult cage now so I ordered it yesterday. It is a King's cage and I ordered it direct from the manufacturers website so I got a really good deal on it. It is a navy blue powder coat cage, it is big! I will have to get a picture up once I get it set up. Actually, I have a lot of pictures I need to post for you guys but I am having some trouble figuring out how to post pictures here. Will keep working at it, dont worry, I will figure it out eventually.

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Just tracked the packages. It is in vermont already and will be here later today. It is not a huge cage but the top opens into a playgym and platform for him so there is more room than appears. He is only in his cage at night anyways. This is the link if you want to see the cage. Basically a sleeping cage but like I said he is only in it at night and if we go run a quick errand. http://www.kingscages.com/ProductDetails.aspx?ProductID=ELT%202724

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Looks like a very beautiful cage and I bet Breezy will love it! There are several different ways to post photos and some are a bit awkward. There is a thread at the beginning of the Introductions section that has instructions on how to post photos, you might find that helpful :)

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The cage is here and Breezy is in it. It is much, much bigger than I was expecting. Just tons of room in there. He can even fly a little in it which wasnt expected and he has been investigating it climbing all over the inside, the platform and the play gym. He seems to really like it I can tell he is happy with it, lots of body language from him indicating that. He is sleeping now, put his cage cover on and he was very comfortable climbing up to his tent and climbing in. There is tons of room inside there to hang toys. Thanks for mentioning those threads about posting photos, Inara, I am going to find those and read them.

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Congrats on the new cage, they fill up rather quickly with perches, ropes and toys...


I bought our TAG a stainless Featherland cage and looking back I wish I hadn't as given the fact that it's stainless means the optional playtop is over 5 billz alone...


I originally was going to go with an aluminum Kings cage as there are several vendors on ebay that sell them for a bit less than the Kings MSRP, but I had some concerns about the effects of the aluminum and our greys so I scratched it of my short list...

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It is funny you mention about filling it with toys, Tankaray. That is exactly what I did tonight. I ordered a boing rope perch to go in the cage and picking out some toys now. Better be careful. Dont want to pack the cage so full of toys the poor little guy cant move in there. One thing on my side is it is a BIG cage, so there is plenty of room.

Edited by Breezy2013
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